Ahh another night on Chippewa, v. Where has confidence gone?

This is why I stick to Brennans and Brew Pub. I was actually there for the game with last night.

I wouldnt say it is just buffalo. I think most places have their own chippewa type area for that type of crowd. The issue is that in Buffalo is that options are limited if you are looking to go out and are looking for a variety of choices. Most other big cities i have been to have multiple strips of bars and you just go to the strip that best suits your needs.

Eh…I know I can fight, I know my limits and how tough I am. I do not have to prove anything. I hate asshats that walk around looking for trouble. That is the sign of someone who is weak and trying to prove they’re tough. A true “tough guy” doesnt bother himself with all that bullshit because he knows its pointless.

Sweet ninja skills video.

That wasnt proving anything that was just fucking around. I’m talking about when people are out and acting like assholes trying to start fights to prove something. I avoid fights. I’d rather buy someone a beer than fight them.

1)don’t want to get arrested
2)I don’t like to hurt people
3)I don’t want to get hurt myself

shut up you’re all faggots! LETS FIGHT DOWNTOWN!

I can take you 4REELZ SON. My cock is 10 inches, i have a million dollars, im better looking then all of you, my gf is the hottest, my car is the fastest, if you say anything in response i will think of the best possible way to insult and put you down because i am da shiznaz YO. WHAT!!!

Whatever happened to Buffalo- The City of Good Neighbors?

I hate going to Chip too. Pretty much for all the reasons stated above. Just not worth the hassle (and price).

i hate going down there as much as the next guy, but i hate sausage fests too. its usually one or the other.

Yes, I see It a LOT more in Buffalo then anywhere else. People just seem to have a lot less respect in general.

ever heard of Love Canal, or the Manhattan Project? :loopie:

all i have to say is, i need a new fucking haircut, and ma where’s my protein!!!

I thought you were smart, Fry?


alcohol + testosterone = cretains

and often times hilarity.

lol nope.

Went to Shea’s then Chocolate Bar tonight. Much better. Although there were even some goons at Chocolate. :bloated: Drunk assholes screaming at each other in a quiet, half empty bar. One dude was in a muscle shirt, the rest in tshirts. Leftovers from a football game most likely.

I think I’m just outgrowing Chippewa. :ohnoes:

this is why i stick to shitty little bars in west seneca. bars such as, metzgers, tony romes, chuggers, nickel creek, Z’s, because its so much more relaxed and ya a bar fight can happen newher but its much less likely to happen in a small town bar. Plus i can actually walk thru the bar with a bar without a million people bumping ino me, i mean i wanna be able to fuckin breath while im drinking

I love making money on chippewa, but you won’t find me down there on my nights off…

Number 1 because its funny as hell, and generally when you call anyone an asshole they most certainly should get pissy

Once you’ve graduated from college they should just put a stamp on your license that bans you from Chippewa.