what a way to end valentines day...i'm now unemployed

so some bruhaha has been going on at work lately between out Car audio Install depatrment and retail (for those fo you that don’t know, i work at Stereo Advantage in Car Adio). so, my manager calls up every one in the retail department and tell us whats up and asks us to write the owner an email stating how we felt and whatnot. so we all did, and everyone sent each other thier emails to the owner so we all knew what was up. so the owner sends us all back an email that is pretty much a kick in the balls to what we all jsut said. so my manager calls us up again and says write back. so we do.

so i go about my valentines day palns, have a great time, have a great dinner and i come home and check my email and find a message back from the owner of Stereo basically saying i was fired. I do not know if everyone else got this email or not.

so basically, i got set up by my manager and lost my job over it. what a bunch of bullshit.

on a side note, does any1 kno who is hiring for some part time work?

Sorry to hear that Mike, pretty shitty getting set up and fucked over.

That sucks man… sorry to hear about the firing. :frowning:


tie ur manager to ur bumper and drag him down the 90 :tup:

but yea thats shitty…

he’s the owner, so i would say he can do whatever he wants. i do have emails from my boss saying what he wanted me to do, but to be quite honest, even if i proved i was set up and they let me keep my job, i think they would make sure my experience there sucked, so im porb just better off swallowing my pride and go on my way.

T fucking DOWN. That sucks man sorry to hear. I was in kindof a similar situation, i worked at a factory and my forman hated me. I was a great worker, never complained really, just did my work to the best of my ability, which meant i busted my ass and made some of the other guys look bad. They didint like that and pretty soon i just kept getting the shittiest jobs there were and i couldnt take it after 5 months so i quit a $12/hr job. Kinda sucks cuz it was decent money but the BS i had to deal with wasnt worth it anymore. Hope you get something soon man. there are alot of assembaly jobs in the buffalo job finder…ima gonna call on a few of em tomarrow.


Good luck on finding another job :slight_smile: Hopefully you’ll be happier

Stereo Advantage is the shadiest place I have ever worked at…I made it one week and quit. You are better off

wow… thats ridiculously lame

very high school

like the end of a shitty relationship, doesn’t sound like there’s anything left to miss, you’re prolly right - even if they kept you on, it would suck. good attitude, take it to a new job that’ll appreciate it :slight_smile:

Sorry to here about that man. It might just be your calling to start your own shop like you had talked about.

Seriously I’d suggest that anyone looking to buy stuff at stereo advntage dont. Go buy it somewhere else. The things that the owner does are morally wrong, as well as wrong to the customer, and he’s a nut when it comes to business, no one criticizes him because Tony R. (the owner) will not listen he just gets pissed even w/ constructive criticizm. An example “Meah… I’ve been doing this for 27 years… I’m not going to listen to your suggestion, becaues it means I didn’t come up with it Meah”
Sorry to hear that mike
Anyone else get fired?
If you want to get re-hired you may be able to, you just have to ask for it back.
Do you have that e-mail I’d like to look at it?

Post his email address :slight_smile:

i dont work there and ive known that dude is shady as fuck for some time. thought it was almost common knowledge.

Best description of that place! Never worked there myself, but my brother did over 10 years ago, and it was the same BS as it is now.

And go register for unemployment. Even if you find a job quickly, stick it to Stereo Advantage with the claim… I have a sneaking suspicision the state would side with you if they fought it.

Wow, lots of respect here for someone who can be this ^^^^ realistic during a shitty situation, and be “the better man”. :tup:


I appreciate my experience from working there, but I don’t think I’d ever do that again. It was fine when I was 18, but it’s no place for a (real) career unless you’re in a management position there.

Things (and traits) I learned from working there:

  • If you are complaining about your job to your co-workers, go home. No one wants to work next to someone who isn’t there to help.
  • Believe it or not, I learned a lot of good tips for cleaning. I think we did more cleaning in retail than selling.
  • Humility. You have to realize (like Mike did) that your job is out of your direct control. If you think you can run things better, make the suggestion at your own risk. If you don’t have influence, expect to be squashed. If you still think you can do it better, start your own company and do it your way.
  • You get paid the minimum you’re willing to accept. If you want more money, work harder and hope someone notices, or find a job that is willing to pay more.

I worked there for 3 years through college and loved it for a while, then it just got bad. I was there from the transition from when it was focused on customer service and a rigerous traning schedule, to when the new person who’s been on the floor for 1 week is talking to customers.

I sold my ass off and at the end of the day always had the higest number of customers rung through the registers, but that didn’t mean anything when they let me go for no reason.

And I mean literally no reason, Tom G. called me up and said “I wanted to catch you before you can into work today, because we’re not going to need you anymore.” I’m like WTF??? WHY? And he couldn’t give me an answer, so I just hung up.

I do owe a lot of my selling personality and work ethic to stereo advantage, I can’t deny that. But the things that are shady there, outweigh the good at that place, and in the end, Tony is all about making money by any means possible.

fuck that place.