HAHA so I ended up hanging out with all the West Mifflin kids..

What a crazy night. These two cute chicas from wherever came up to the front desk and wanted something, ended up with me supposed to go over to their room when I got off. So i go over, theyre nowhere to be found. However, I hear mad people in the next room over. Turns out its the WM kids. End up getting trashed with them. Things are looking good. Its just me and 7 drunk girls. Then they want to go to the boardwalk. So we go, and they meet up with a bunch of guys they know from back home.


Either way, they now know that Im cool, and I plan on taking the digicam to work tomorrow. :naughty:


darkstar’s dreams > darkstar’s reality



Theres always tonight. Hopefully the 2 girls that I was originally supposed to hook up with wil be around. These West Mifflin girls seem kinda goody goody.

A little alcoholz could help :beer:

dude they are FAR from goody goody. Tell that lindsey chick i said whatsup, my names geoff. she called me while u were in the room and told me they were with u, cause i was tellin her that all of their episodes down there were online. lol…u just gotta try


cant remember which one is Lindsey. I remember Ashley, Jen, and Nikki.



oh boy :sex:

If you want, i can let you borrow my homemade love-making kit…

(baseball bat and duct tape)

does it come with a shovel and a bag of crushed lime?
