🤣 A shitload of kids from West Mifflin just got OWNED!

Group of like 18 kids came in. They just got down here and checked into a hotel down on the boardwalk. They ALL got kicked out within like an hour of checking in, cause they had alcohol with them. 4 rooms, $1000 a pop, non-refundable. They had like 18 cases and 6 half gallons, which all got poured out on the street right in front of them. I had to move around a crapload of reservations to be able to get them rooms, or else they would have been sleeping in their cars. A few of them got underages, and one of them knew TurboTalon91. If they werent from Pittsburgh, and their mom didnt cry her heart out to me for like 20 minutes, I probably would have just told them to fuck off.



a couple of them were bangin hot too. :naughty:

shoulda got nude pics for the rooms :wink:

should have got the old “well i can get you rooms but you gotta give me head” routine.

lmao i might know who they are frriend was telliing me about a bunch of kids going down this weekend

eh, i forget now. I’ll PM you when I get back to work. I’m home now. :hs:

you’re too soft yo.


Managment enacted a $100 incentive if we meet a quota each night for # of rooms sold in the month of June.

Ha ha… damn Waste Mifflin kids… Oh wait my ex is from there

does your hoEtel give out little white stickers and license plates that read


or somehow did the OBX stickers invade the territory : :rofl:


people actually buy those :frowning:

should of gotten a blow job bye smokin hot hotties

he did~!!!blowed off!!! :bowrofl:



They had their boyfriends with them. But then again, I have the master key to the locks on their doors.


well dont u go both ways??? :idb:

yep. girl, and multiple girls.

sorry,shemales are not girls!!!1 :ugh2: