im home from OCmd... had a crazy week..

partied monday threw saturday… had a few bi chic’s diking it out… me and my roommate went through 2-3 cases a day… spent too much money! ate tons of crablegs…

my roommate pounded everychic he could… he would actaully screw a chic… then she would pass out and he’d bring another and fuck her on the floor beside the chic in the bed… lol… i couldn t get over this!!

i found that i must be some kind of charmer as i ended up with 3 day relation ships… which was awsome… 2 out of 3 chics where keeper’s… 1 more then the other…/// i picked good girls… not skanks like roomie. but he was good for a few laughs… and the one chic asked me if i believe in love at first site!! lol… i was in bed with her from thursday night… no joke… till friday night… i can t even remember much or why i was in bed that long… but i was drunk… lol… i got a couple good pictures! the third chic im going to keep in touch with as ive always enjoyed her company…

i do have a few pictures… i will post up… but only a few :slight_smile:

some dikes… some ass… some whores…[roomies bitches]

basically a quick summary goes likst this… i spent a ton of money… and shouldn t have… had 3 girls fall in love. lol :drama:

and my roomie banged a ton of chics… lol :bigok:

oh and my favorite drunk moment was walking down the boardwalk leaving this chics hotel. 530 am with 2 cases of yuengling … hammerd off my ass and having the old heads who wake up to see the sunset asking me if im having and early start! if they only knew what ive been threw !! haha…

congrats we sure know you needed the break and a good time… of nude girls your rommie fucked

that was the key…

oh and to top the week off my battery in my zr2 exploded … and the terminal’s broke off on the positive side… so i had to use my last 100$ on a battery’ and new terminal… and i got to barrow my chic’s 04 accord to drive around while she worked to get parts… it has the v6 ivtec… very impressive car for what it is!

i even had to buy tools since i forgot mine at home! :down:

haha… sounds like good times… glad to hear it!


so the pics are? :smiley:

figures this is the one thread that Doug doesnt post 8,000 pics in…


well i can t upload certain pics onto cardomain… so i dunno …

my good friend got a dui down there tonight… he’s sitting in jail… at the moment…

i told him the do’s and don’t on saturday night while out at the bars but i left msunday and monday he got arrested~ :nono:

oh and on a side note about oc md… the last girl i fucked… friday/sat/sunday.,. called me 10 million times tonight…

she was getting really detailed… trying to get me to move with her to york pa till she grads college… and she said she never felt so happy in her life… lol… im just going along with it so i can go stay in york… and hit it while going to carlilse or any event down that way… she’s hot 100 lbs… 20 yrs old… BLONDE tiny…

and i got texted by the other chic 5 mins ago… saying she wants to go get naked on the beach again… and she misses me… bla bla bla…

i must of did something right… :slight_smile: and i bet its because i was practiacally married for 6 yrs~~ lmao…

the monday chic stayed in my hotel with me on monday… wouldn t leave… … brought her bags of and spnet the night on tuesday… so i brought the new tuesday thursday chic over! and my roomie fucked the monday chic for me on tuesday~~ :bowrofl:

wedsday chic’s where all lesi’s and whores… i made out with the bichics… but didn t get laid that night~ im not into whores… :scared:

roomie hadprobally 2- chics a night… x7 nights… lmao… :bowrofl:


ONE MORE THING… i gave a girl my pittspeed tshirt… to sport since she lives down there :slight_smile: represent :slight_smile: that and im going back down to stay with her for the forth of july… :bigthumb:

if I see her I’ll make sure to go and try for sloppy 3rds. I love sluts.

oh, and my mom is dispatchong tonight for the OCPD. I’m sure I’ll hear about it. Any time anyone from Pittsburgh gets popped for something, she feels the need to tell me about it for some reason. :dunno:

Ha ha… yes sounds like a Great time… now you need a vacation from the Vacation

sounds like someone else!!! :hsdance:

you can host pics on photobucket

this thread is worthless with out pics

ill give it a try later tonight… i didn t get no actaully naked chics… well i did…

but i deleted them because i wasn t down with them… ugly chic’s don t belong on my camera… but they where funny…

Damn you fucker your taking me down next time :madfawk: