HAHAHA F.U. Mr president....

But we are passing this like it or not…too bad the only thing bush cares about is funding the war and not taking care of the citizens of the United States.


Bush spiked the measure Friday despite its overwhelming bipartisan support, calling it too costly and complaining that the 900 projects it authorized would overtax the Army Corps of Engineers.

but he’ll spend hundreds of millions overseas?


He’d rather take care of the middle east rather than his own country?


Bush spiked the measure Friday despite its overwhelming bipartisan support, calling it too costly and complaining that the 900 projects it authorized would overtax the Army Corps of Engineers.

but he’ll spend hundreds of millions overseas?


He’d rather take care of the middle east rather than his own country?


My thoughts exactly when I read that. I wish he would have been impeached.

The problem is with the bills that he has vetoed, is that the president does not have the ability to only veto a section of a bill. If there is something in the bill he strongly disagrees with then he must veto the entire bill. He can’t change anything on it as a whole…just say “yes” or “no” to it. Personally I think rebuilding New Orleans is a dumb idea. It is a city next to the ocean that is below sea level. If another massive hurricane hits it will happen again.

Um…most of the US coastline is either at sea level or slightly above…New Orleans needs to be rebuilt correctly to ensure the levies do not give way and the city should be rebuilt.


My thoughts exactly when I read that. I wish he would have been impeached.


Impeached or removed from office?

o damn vote was 79-14 lol nice

the US infrastructure is one of the worst compared to other developed countries, water falls under this


Personally I think rebuilding New Orleans is a dumb idea. It is a city next to the ocean that is below sea level. If another massive hurricane hits it will happen again.


Personally I think rebuilding Iraq/Iran/Afganistan is a dumb idea. It’s not even our country and if they piss off the president agian we will just destroy it again.

Who else thinks bush is going to move to the middle east once done fucking up this country.

^ That would funny to see how long he would last.

My favorite bush story of late…



New Orleans needs to be rebuilt correctly to ensure the levies do not give way and the city should be rebuilt.


While I’m glad this veto got overridden that statement is just stupid. Not a single penny of taxpayer dollars should go to rebuilding a city that is well below sea level and surrounded by water on 3 sides. Spend that money you would spend rebuilding and trying to make “hurricane proof” levies and move these people somewhere else.


the US infrastructure is one of the worst compared to other developed countries, water falls under this


while that’s 100% true, what this thread neglects is that this bill was also full of pork / pet projects. :tdown: