Hahaha more political sex scandal.

“Hey give me attention! My boyfriend and I used to tag team my wife!”

Says the ex-governer of NJ…


Whole new meaning to the word “driver”

nice…she is hot

I wonder if he was paid as well as Giambra’s 80k/year driver.

so, was the driver the pitcher?

Train driver?



President Bush said each of us is to get a $600 tax rebate. It was to be $800 but was lowered due to budget issues. If we spend the money at Walmart is goes to China. If we spend it on computers it goes to India or China. If we spend it on gas it goes to the Arabs. The only way to keep this money in the U.S. is by spending it on beer, gambling, and prostitutes. I’m Elliot Spitzer, and i approve of this message.

Of course she is, all wives of gays are hot.
It’s a great cover.

came in to post this.