HAHAHA Pilots are so dumb!!!!!

This morning around 10AM we get a gate call. “Pilots are stuck in cockpit and can’t get out”. So I go out to the plane and they really can’t get out. Turns out they locked the door and didn’t unlock it all the way. Some of these guys scare me when they do dumb ass shit like this!!!

Its true many Pilots tend to make common “dumb” mistakes that if the general public knew they would be scared of flying. What kinda plane??

CRJ 900

lol classic

I guess the red marks meaning locked wasnt clue enough??

that’s really sad… i know mechanics that forget their tools on planes all the time and have to wait for them to come back :scary:

soo if ur a pilot, u cant make stupid mistakes anymore? i guess if ur a pilot ur smarter than say, most of the human race?? strange didnt know that…or maybe its just pilots are normal like us, when we lock keys in our house, or in our cars


think of it this way… you are locked INSIDE your house because you locked the dead bolt… taht’s more of the scenario than locking yourself OUT of somewhere… :doh:

Fuck no…some stupid mistakes can murder many lives. Now what they do on their own time I could care less about…but when people are on a plane they better be 100%

Here is a good one from last week…
I work in Operations as well as baggage service which means I take radio calls from pilots when they are either on the ground or in-range to the airport. So the other night a flight calls in reporting he is on the ground and waiting for his gate. Call back to minutes later claiming the gate is refusing to marshall him in, At this point I look out the window. No Airplane??? I call the crew back and ask what gate are you at ??? Long pause… We’re at A2. I respond thats your problem sir. Whats my problem he responed, your at a Us Air gate… Yes I know he said… Your in a United plane sir…Very long pause…Ok he said. And then taxied to the correct gate on the other side of the terminal. :doh:

United Express/Mesa 7385 IAD-PIT


everyone fucks up at some point, such is life.

Well where I work if you leave your tools on a plane it doesn’t come back unless you leave them in the engine cowl, engine or any other critical place. Most of us don’t forget our tools cause that shit gets expensive.

:dunno: he said he did on occasion… he was a usair mechanic, moved to kansas city and works at their airport.