I hope they kicked the sh1t out of this guy

Jet passenger tries to open door in midair

CHANTILLY, Virginia (AP) – A man wearing military fatigues and throwing punches into the air tried to open the exit door of a jet during a cross-country flight on Tuesday night, airline officials and passengers said.
United Airlines Flight 890 from Los Angeles landed as scheduled at Washington Dulles International Airport at 8:35 p.m., said Amy Kudwa, a Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman. No one was injured.

Ken Wolfenberger, of Whittier, California, who was on the flight, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that he helped subdue the unruly passenger. The man wore patches on his fatigues with special forces and jujitsu champion logos, Wolfenberger said.

The man had been acting strangely for about 20 minutes, then sat up, wrapped belts around his hands and threw punches into the air, Wolfenberger said.

Wolfenberger said he heard a flight attendant yell for help and tell the man, “Sir, get your hand off the handle.”

“Any time you hear a flight attendant shout ‘please help,’ you worry that something pretty bad is going to happen,” he said.

Wolfenberger said the man was held down and punched by other passengers as he grabbed the man’s leg. Air marshals then came and took custody of the man.

The passenger became unruly about 31/2 hours into the flight, said United spokeswoman Megan McCarthy.

“After the passenger was restrained, the pilot decided to land at Dulles,” McCarthy said. “It wasn’t an emergency landing.”

Airport police and FBI agents met the flight and were interviewing the passenger, said FBI spokeswoman Debbie Wierman.

There were 138 passengers and six crew members on board, McCarthy said.

Too bad he wasn’t on Southwest, their passengers beat people like him to death.

http://www.airsafe.com/events/airlines/luv.htm (2nd incident down on the report)

I will bet it was one of these guys

umm… its like fucking impossible to open a hatch when the plane is pressurized

Hehe, Whittier is my hometown.

umm actually isn’t the pressure inside the plane higher than outside the plane? Making it not unpossible

Yes but the doors have to go inwards, before going out.

It is impossible when the cabin is pressurized. I would have watched and laughed.

Plane doors can NOT be opened mid-air.


i guess it MAY be possible… if the plane is under like 5k feet… but i still think they pressurize the shit out of it at that level too… but thats also on the descent or climb… and the seat belt sign is on… so you can’t even get out of your SEAT!!

god i hate flying commercial

well its good to know that there really are air marshals on planes

no one noticed he was wearing multiple belts? that’d be a little suspicious

wtf he obviously had something medically wrong. his actions aren’t normal

at normal flying level there is only a 4 psi difference.

lol at “passengers started punching him” yeah…AMERICA FUCK YEAH!!!

Good luck getting that door open. Would need only a few thousand pounds of weight. :tup:

but he knows jujitsu :wink:

i remember reading a story a while back where a guy was getting antsy on a plane and hit one of the flight attendants, and someone beamed him with a coke can and knocked him out.

That’s actually a lot of pressure. If you figure the door is 6’ x 4’ that’s 72" x 48" = 3456 in^2 * 4 lbs/in^2 = only 13,824 pounds of force holding the door closed.