Our Internet is busted and hubby is having withdrawl…
what do u have on?..shit.i mean…how r u on?
i,m confused? how r u on the web if it is broken?
oh… hahahah… I’m at work
ahhhhhhhhhh,thats what i thought,no porno for don:idb:
webcast the porn show later this week
That’s probably a good thing… have you seen the porn he look sat…
o man…ur right:puke:
i fixed it, f adelphia, me> adelphia
you guys get On demand? through adelphia?
I think so … why?
what did you do
Make sure you call adelphia back… I don’t want those creepy bastards in the house
Comcast been advertising adelphia channels. just wondering if the adelphia people is getting what comcast has to offer.
:dunno: probably just like direct tv advertising on comcast
looks like 5ltr is pullout out the old 70’s porn vids. hahaha
debby does dallas and behind the green door
Depraved, btw does nebody have that one still?
nope, copy it off your beta system and upload it