Comcast Internet

So I had this great Adelphia internet up until this past Sunday. Comcast takes over and now I do not have service, for 2 days. The wait time to call in is 1-2 hours.

Can one of the people who work for Comcast on here please turn my internet on so my wife can pay bills and turn in her homework for school. :x:

on second thought, just shut it off. I would rather deal with shitty ass Verizon DSL over even shittier ass Comcast cable internet. :smiley:

trumpnet works in the call center for them. Maybe shoot him a PM



Grnteg98 works for them. I’m sure he might be able to hook it up.

We were 80 calls in queue all day yesterday for that reason. The server that was supposed to transfer all the High Speed Internet codes from Adelphia to Comcast didn’t do that so when people were trying to re-register it wasn’t going through. At the time when I left yesterday they had a lot of it back up and running but I’m not sure what the update is or how long of a wait on the phone it is since I’m off today. You can try calling in or see or PM me your phone # and I can look up your account and see what the deal is…

yeah burnyd works for them to…

verizon FIOS FTW

they do not offer it at my house or I would.


that sucks

I sent you a “private message” (so all you retards don’t go off on your PM tangent and get the thread locked :D:D:D ).

thanks for the info

you have to call them faggatst to get your servive back on basicly you have to learn its no longer adelphia.


I know it’s no longer adelphia :confused:

call comcast and regrister with them…

gotcha :slight_smile:

I just got t othe mtoday and am back on,i was down for 2 days

I know folks around me have been changed over… But I don’t think wehave yet. I have seen no changes.

But I really want to know how to pay my bill. I also need a copy of my last bill for my expense report. Kennametal won’t pay if I don’t show them the bill.

private message sent newchic

im guessing mine wasnt switched yet…no problems here

Bethel Park should be done, not all people had problems in that area…

i have NEVER had a problem with Comcast.