WTF Cable company:

So I wrote his long nasty e-mail to my new cable company last night, cause they had me capped at 1.5MB downloads, when they told me they had 3MB downloads, and they have the gayest interface ever on their menu, which forces you to look at ads so you cant even see what programming is coming on in the future, only whats on at the moment…, not expecting a response. Got to work today and got a phone call from them saying that the “problem should be fixed”. Voila! Magically im downloading at 375K instead of 175K. Thats some shady shit right there. Ill be 90% of the dumbfucks would never know the difference. :rofl: @ the customer service guys name.

From : Dulce Olexo <>
Sent : Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:15 PM
To : <>
CC : “Dave Rickards” <>, “Carlene Rogan” <>
Subject : Re: Customer Service

| 		| 		| 	Inbox

Mr. Knapp:

Thank you for your e-mail and your question about your service.
I am sorry that it is not working as fast as your expectations want, but
we can certainly look into this for you and make the necessary corrections
to increase the speed. I have left you a message to return my call so that
we can set up a service call and see what adjustments we can make at your
house. I have also forwarded this e-mail to our installation supervisor who
will also be attentive to see if there is any adjustments to be done at
our central communication center or on the main lines near your home
in Ocean Pines. We will certainly make every attempt possible to resolve
these issues, as we do not want to loose your business. Thank you again
for taking the time to write, as we look forward to hearing from our
which make us strive to do a better job as your cable and internet provider.
I look forward to your phone call.

Dulce Olexo
Mediacom Customer Service
----- Original Message -----
From: “Customer Service” <>
To: “Dulce Olexo” <>
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 11:32 AM
Subject: Fw: Customer Service

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 2:26 AM
> Subject: Customer Service
> > Last Name: Knapp
> > First Name: Michael
> > Account Number: 8383500320217672
> > Email:
> > Telephone: 410-213-7221
> > Address 1: 93 Bramblewood Drive
> > Address 2:
> > City: Ocean Pines
> > State: MD
> > Zip Code: 21811
> > Comments: I recently moved from an area that had a different cable
> company. I just wanted to express how unhappy I am with your service. I
> signed up for both your cable internet, as well as your digital cable.
> i signed up, I asked your representative how fast your internet service
> She told me it was 3mbps. It is not. It is only 1.5mbps. I can only
> download at a maximum rate of 175Kbps, whereas with my other company,
> also advertised 3MBPS download speeds, I was able to download over twice
> fast. This is a deplorable oversight at best, and illegal false
> fraud at the worst. Also, I think its rediculous that your digital cable
> menu makes you look at advertisements. I’m paying $50 a month for this
> service, and you have the nerve to shove even MORE advertisements down my
> throat than are already on TV to begin with? And in such a manner that
> can only browse 30 minutes of programming at a time? I think its
> rediculous. With my old cable c!
> > ompany, you could see what was on at the moment, as well as an hour
> of time, because unlike your company, they let their menu take up the
> screen instead of forcing you to tasteless advertiments. Im seriously
> considering dropping your service all together and going with a satellite.
> Although with your company’s wanton disregard for whats best for your
> consumer, I suspect this e-mail will go unanswered with no explanation for
> these questionable practices.
> >
> >
> >
> >

comcast is no better… at least they give 3mbps though heh

your last name is knapp?

for some reason i always thought you had some kind of unpronouncable polish last name…

cable interweb sucks. t1’s for all!!!

its actually a common mistake mike, it happens all the time. 1 config off and you will not hit the certain speed. We deal with it at least once a week

Wow, I think that guy should learn how to spell. (the guy who replied to you)

Funny how they ignored your comments on the advertisements altogether.

my cabe at home is consistently over 400kbps from a good server. Adelphia cable kicks ass.

t1’s are slow

We just got a new SAN at work with the 2gbps fiber. The speed is incredible, I want fiber to my house :x:

who supplies adelphia in the south hills? bethel park area?

and emails like that one do nothing but make me laugh…deplorable rofl!

Fiber doesn’t guarntee you speed, it’s just the physical layer 1 connectivity. I can drop you a fiber 25mbps connection if you want :slight_smile:

For the idiot that said T1’s for everyone, wtf are you thinking? T1 is a dedicated engineered circuit, which is designed more for a dedicated connection, you are paying for an SLA, not speed.

Armstrong > anyone else I’ve ever seen period…

trying to make a joke … notice the “!!!”

yeah f t1!!@!! T3 for everybody!!!1!!

if it ain’t OC… i don’t want it

yeah I know, I laugh at those letters too when they come to the hotel… But thats what happens when its 5AM and you’re drunk and trying to download porn and its not going fast enough.

negative. There are some people on this board (and in this thread :kekegay: ) with Strange last names…