just got verizon DSL...not too happy

We just got setup with verizon dsl at our house, sick of the adelphia bill. We have the 1.5 Mbps connection. First problem is my download speed is only something like 26 Kbps, slower than dialup. Upload speeds are up in the mid 300’s though, kinda weird. This could be due to the phone lines in the house, I’ll call and get a dedicated line. Maybe that will get better.
Another thing I didn’t like, is all of this verizon software neccesary to connect? All of it wasn’t even installed because the connection was so slow but it seemed like there was a bunch of new crap installed. I have no software from adelphia and like it that way.

you don’t need any of verizons software, and you really do have a line quality issue if thats your download speed

okay well first of all: there are two plans, one is ‘3mb/s down & 768kb/s up’ and the other is ‘768kbps down & 128kbps up’.

i have the 3mbps connection (at my apt) and I can routinely dl from a remote server (let’s say download dot com) server at 300+kb/s.

second, dialup cannot achieve 26kbps EVER. at one point i personally tested all of my connectivity options including a dialup connection. realistic downloads of 4-6 (four to six) kbps can be achieved over dialup (not accelerated dial, just dialup) with similar upload rates. example: let’s say i connect my xbox to my pc wirelessly and transfer a movie. i’m connected to the network at 54mbps, does that mean that i can transfer from one to the other at 54mbps? not likely. the norm is more like ~2-3mbps. get it? just because it’s called a 56k modem or because it tells you it has connected at a rate of 56 or 36kbps does NOT mean that that is the transfer rate.

case in point, today i’m on adelphia at work. when i goto testmy dot net it tells me that am connected to the internet at 2mbps, and that i downloaded at 244kbps

in any case, it’s pretty obvious that you are having some type a problem if that’s the transfer rate you’re getting (unless it’s the 768kbps plan). i recommend you goto www.testmy.net, turn off your firewall and run both an up and downstream connection test. it’s really the only way to be sure of what speed you’re connecting at exactly. if you’re connection is stable, through the exact telephone cord that came with your package you can expect the test to be ~200-300 down / 40-50 up.

btw, once you use the verizon software to configure your connection you never have to use it again to connect. it doesn’t have a ‘dialer’ program, it’s always ON piped right through your cat5e cable or a/b/g/? protocol wireless connection.

if you’re still having problems call them up, i had to call like 3 times before my connection was setup correctly… :roll:

is this the verizon thats avilable for $14.99 for a 1 year agreement? i was looking at this

did you have to sign a one-year contract with them??

definitely gonna have to give them a call. I just connected the modem with the supplied cable directly to where the line comes in the house and ran the test. 27 Kbps or 3 kB/s download. hopefully they can sort it out or its back to cable. The order confirmantion does say 1.5/384, though that option no longer comes up on their site.

edit…Yeah, one year agreement. I think you can backout before 30 days though.

i dont have any problems…call service

*if you check out the terms of service, it’s prolly a capped, nonguaranteed speed UP TO 1.5MB/384kbps

i could be wrong, but it’s likely

but 27kbps… geez, they should be paying you

this might sound like a stupid question, but you didn’t use a phone cord to connect the computer to the modem did you? (ie did you connect it to the phone pass-through or something?

it should look like: rj10 wall jack > two pin phone cord (provided with kit) > dsl modem > cat5e cable (patch cable) > your pc

unless that is you’re using wireless, but since you haven’t mentioned it yet i’d say you’re not?..

also, you put the filters on every phone line in the house except for the dsl modem right?

I have been waiting a month for this to go “live”. Should start working on the 20th. I will let you know if I have any problems also or if it just your connection.

You sir are incorrect dial-up will work around 26-50Kbps if because that is Kilobits. Which would come out to be 4-6 KBps (NOTE: Capital B) or KiloBytes. All connection speeds are rated in Kilobits.

If you are paying for 1.5Mbps and getting 27kbps like the one guy said they should be paying you.

Btw, a phone cord from the modem to the computer. The NIC won’t even recognize a cable being attached.

Only thing I could suggest is if you happen to have a router try directly connecting it. Disable all AV/Firewall/Anti-spyware software. Test it see if it’s any better.

If not ping some websites like yahoo.com 20 to 50 times with a packet size of 1024 bytes and see if you get packet loss.

ping -l 1024 -n 25 www.yahoo.com

You should come up with no loss. Maybe 1 lost at most. If you aren’t getting any loss try getting another computer and testing that just to make sure. Also the response times should be no higher than 70-100ms

At that point if it’s still slow with the other computer call and bitch at them. If there is packet loss see if you can get a tech out. If there isn’t try getting them to swap the modem.

The Call

When calling tech support, tell them you are having slow speed issues (Don’t say anything about the other computer just yet). Just follow along with the BS arguing is only going to slow things down (Ex. I already rebooted bs) Just do it to make them happy. Once they are done with their BS they are going to try refering you to vendor or transfer you up and then refer you if they don’t see anything wrong.

At this point tell them that you contacted the vendor. Wait for their reply, either they will tell you your vendor is full o’BS or get something done to fix it. If they try blowing you off again then bring up that you tried it with another computer from a neighbor’s that is using cable and it worked just fine.

If they aren’t technologically inclined they might they refering you anyways. Also tell that you tested your computer on his/her cable connection with the same ethernet cable. Even if you didn’t doesn’t matter just needs to sound believeable.

At that point the really dumb ones might say something about software being installed with the other connection that is slowing it down. Which is 100% BS because there is no software.

If they still refuse get a supervisor and try to talk to them, sometimes they are even less technologically inclined. Don’t be irate or anything just explain the situation, they will have you probably do the same BS. But you should be able to get a tech out.

Now at this point I’m not familiar with Verizion’s tech policies if they charge you or not. I know they were absolute shit for my Aunt and I had to redo part of their phone system because they would have charged a hefty fee.

At this point if they are going to charge you for a tech to come out. This is the point to become irate, don’t use personal insults as that just will piss them off and make them less inclined to do anything just bash the service. Threaten to cancel and mention that it is worth to pay the cancelation fee to get rid of their shitty service. Once you bring up the magic “C” word. They should try to do something, within their power to keep you. (Discount/credit/fixing the problem)

If they don’t do anything and you can cancel before the 30day period do it. Having shit for service for that long is no good.

Hopefully that works out for ya. :wink:

Pretty sure there are 3 plans. 768, 1.5mb, and 3mb. I know because I signed up for the 1.5mb as well.

Test my net results:
Your connection is: 9280 Kbps (about 9.3 Mbps)
You downloaded at: 1133 kB/s
Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 9930 Kbps :: 1212 kB/s (7% overhead factored)
Bottom Line: You are running: 166 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 0.9 second(s)
Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 99.53 % faster than the average for host (10.34)

I love our connection at work.

I have DSL:

:::… Download Stats …:::
Connection is:: 1523 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)
Download Speed is:: 186 kB/s
Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (server2)
Test Time:: Fri Dec 16 2005 16:33:49 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Bottom Line:: 27X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.51 sec
Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 34.26 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) <-- what does this mean?
Validation Link:: http://testmy.net/stats/id-APLWX0NRF

you’re right about the kilobits vs kilobytes. reading his original message i had no idea which he was talking about, so i have to assume that it’s kilobytes – i.e. – no dialup modem i’ve ever heard of can transfer at 26 kilobytes per second.

right, you can’t plug a rj10 into a rj45 jack.

what i’m asking is: if perhaps he has inadvertently connected the “phone out” (of his dsl modem, if there is one) to his 56k modem (most likely internal) and is still dialing – i.e. – his ‘extra’ connectivity software questions.

who knows? i’ve seen people do dumberererer things…

i only see two.


i was under the impression that people that had subscribed to the 1.5mb package were upgraded to the 3mb… :gotme:

<~~~Would NEVER go back to Dial Up or DSL. NOTHING that I’ve tried is just as good or even close to Adelphia Power Link

the top plan is capped at 3MB?

adelphia employee acc’ts w/premier capped at 6MB ftw :gtfo:

3 years with verizon here…never had any problems.

Although,I had a similar problem to what you are having way back when I first got DSL.I forgot to put a DSL filter on one of my phones.

Geesh… at 6mb/sec you could barely call it capped anymore… lol… that’s fast shit right there.

Adelphia is teh gayness. Slow as hell during peak hours.