Verizon DSL = teh suxor

After 1 month of hell I am back to PowerLink.

Let me list the problems I have had with DSL from Verizon

  1. 2 months to get service
  2. stupid slow speeds (200kbs - 300kbs)
  3. attempt 1 to get a person out to the house to check lines in house failed
  4. downgraded line to 768kbs instead of the 1.5mbs I was “paying” for
  5. given 2 free months for the wait (you’ll see why this is a problem)
  6. attempt 2 to get a service call - no show
  7. attempt 3 to get a service call to set up a home run line - no show
  8. tried to cancel, was assured they would fix the problem, given 2 more months free
  9. attempt 4 to get a service call to the house - no show, no call
  10. received a bill for DSL service (see #5 and #8)
  11. 31 days in January, 22 calls to customer service

I’m sure I am forgetting something but the point is, this company has their heads up their ass when it comes to tech support, customer service, billing and quality of service.

Adelphia is giving me 3+Mbs and absolutely not issues with my modem/router interface.

Lesson learned - Verizon DSL is not for me. Grade F-

Got ours within two weeks of ordering… no issues as of yet. Got the base 768.

I Started having lots of issues iwth mine a month ago so i switched to Adelphia

look at it like this: at least you had the option to switch to adelphia.

where i live i can either get verizon (~2mbit) or rocket ( 256kbit :eyebrow: ) for the same price… :gay2:

Yikes. Sorry to hear that.

Honestly I would rather have RoadRunner though. I hate Adelphia but now I am sure there is no other choice.

Now I need to talk to BuickGN and learn how to maximize my connection.

verizons billing got dumb too…they bill u a month ahead

yeah they always prorate your billing…

the thing that i see that sucks the worst is that if you combine your billing (their all-on-one-bill shit) you can’t check your minutes/restart period/etc on :tdown:

Precisely why I didn’t combine mine. I have absolutely no qualms with Verizon Wireless. Their CS has always been great and I have never had a billing issue. But Verizon home service gets a big t-down.

Powerlink 4L

I would never want to switch. It’s def worth the extra cost.

Mine’s fine :shrug:

mine’s fine. was a major pain initially, but it’s been smooth sailing once i got past the first month or two.

my father switched the house from powerlink to verizon dsl because verizon assured him that the $20 dsl plan (or whaterver the base plan is) is JUST AS FAST as powerlink

of course he didnt bother to ask me … i fucking hate dsl …

edit, and i love how often it decides to go down for like 4 hours at a time …

I think a lot of my problem was related to my distance from the central office.

According to Verizon, the signal is only capable of traveling 20,000 feet and I am 19,300 feet away. Oh wait, then the next time I talked to them the signal was only able to travel 18,000 feet and I was 17,900 feet away. Thats why a home run line was suggested to me. However, as with knowing the distance from one point to another, Verizon was clueless.

Well speaking from expeirience adelphia, the people you talk to anyway are probably just as clueless, not really dumb but they just arent informed about what is going on with the network until 50,000 people call about a problem. Within weeks its going to be time warner so it wont matter anyway. :tup: to Time warner keeping the call center in buffalo though.

For Really???

Was playing some COD2 multiplayer through the DSL last night for anout 5 hours. No problems at all. I have this thing wirelessly giving the signal to my computer from about 75ish feet away. Played beautifully. Everythiung turned up and still no lag.

:tup: for Verizon DSL.

Everyone’s distance from the CO is different so many will experience different results. It seems this technology with Verizon has nto imrproved since I frist worked with DSL when Verizon first launched it five years ago. :tdown:

I have Verizon DSL and havent had a problem yet…

My DSL seems to not be as fast as when I first got it. I’m thinking more users in the area are accounting for this. Don’t know if that would have anything to do with it, but it seems right to me anyway.

that is not a factor with dsl