sooper high speed internets for the win

the local cable company just started offering 15MBPS internets. :bowdown:

download a full DVD in like 45min off the newsgroups @ 1.7MB/sec


How much they charging for it?

Newsgroups ftw.


and yes, newsgroups ftw.

welcome to Pittsburgh. Ive had my Fios for over 2 years.

I’m only getting about 1MB/sec on fastest downloads. But I’m not complaining, it’s free.

Welcome to Ocean City. Where I am right now, faggot. And I’m not on FIOS, I’m on cable. Shouldnt you be out drinking somewhere? Actually, shouldnt I be out drinking somewhere as well? :ugh: Where are our priorities?

Ugh, can’t wait for FIOS I am still on DSL and it is just enough for me to be able to play 360 online. I think I should have FIOS by the end of summer, just waiting for them to install it in our neighborhood.

were on DSL here and i have no problems playing 360 on it or downloading movies in a reasonable time


where are you in bethel that you can’t get it? buried plant? apartment building?

I miss 56k. took hours to read the internet. nows it’s done in five minutes

quest? they just released 20mb and 10mb packages

:nuts: if that’s much higher then comcast, I know comcast is probably a joke to some. but downloading shit i can’t complain.

3 computers and Live running off shit. still can’t complain

45 min…cook a nice lil meal…come back to eat and the movies ready to watch…can’t complain.

naw. the real hotness here is that I’ll be able to download Blu-Ray movies in a respectable amt of time, and stream them wirelessly to the Xbox 360, or the PS3 if i decide to pick one up soon, which I’m considering now that the format war is over.

I think the average blu-ray movie is 22-27GB…raw uncompressed video/audio is HUGE, PS3 is nice…i have an 80GB model myself(lol @ all the lower models not having backwards compatibility), and a few blu-ray movies…you wouldn’t believe how clear it is if you haven’t seen it already

i have blu ray on my laptop and i watch them on my lcd tv… i love it

i have yet to see a porn on blu-ray

:stick: yea me either