All i can say is WOW!
the speed is rediculous! makes cable feel very slow!
i downloaded teh Koenigsegg (sp?) video off of LS1tech this morning on the cable connection at liek 70 - 90 Kb/sec… tonite i downloaded it on the FiOS at 620 Kb/sec.!! and its not b/c it was cached… everythign is absolutely flying!
its their chepest connection… $35/ mo free installation, free wireless router (so now i have a wireless g for sale, if anyone is interested… $20 ) … 5 meg download/ 2 meg upload … and its truly a 5 meg connection…
i would suggest it to everyone… best part is, its cheaper than comcast cable too!
Hell yeah … All I can say is your welcome hahaha I put all the Fiber to the Prem. (Fios) equipment in, and its mad speed if you get the uncapped top dollar. My buddy has the 5meg and it peaks to near 15meg speeds from time to time.
cool, I was looking into FiOS as my friend has it and was raving about it…but I still downloaded faster than him w/ cable. :dunno: He has the 5 down/2 up.
i install it everyday… that’s where i’m going right now… it’s truely the best bang for the buck, not only that, we’re upping the slowest speed to 10 meg, 15mb is going up to 20, and our 30mb speed(business only) will be bumped to 50mb
by the time you get it, it’ll be faster than that… just like they said above, the guys yesterday said that next week (or two weeks from now) my service is going to go from 5 meg down to 10 meg down
oh my thats not nice… but yes it will kill the cable modem unfortunately for me I will lose money on this :(… and Comcast has no new plans to release the newest docsis ethier.
In every install where cable is still active, I do a comparison speed test on both the cable network and the FiOS network. I have never seen a cable connection that was ever faster than 4 Mbps down and 500kbps Up. Most cable connections get about 3Mbps.
FiOS tv is coming down the pipe in the near future.
FiOS tv is a little over a year away (said the verizon guys)… i can’t wait… its way cheaper than cable too, and you get a mad # of channels (kinda like satellite) and free HD channels
still can’t believe the speed… downloaded something last nite that over cable came through around 80-120 K/sec on avg… downloaded at 715 K/sec give or take 10K
I have DSL now and I pay 30 US per month…it isnt that fast and my contract is up. So for 2 more US per Month I can get sweet interent? I have to call I guess and see what the details are.
anything more than 2mb/second is worthless. the only place you notice a big difference at is the speed tests. most servers don’t upload that fast anyway. My cable on the speed tests is between 3-4 down and I don’t notice a difference between my dads 1.5mb dsl and mine on normal browsing and downloading.
seems like small dick syndrome to me. :dunno:
I am waiting for the 768/128 dsl to be available for $15/month in my area. I never use my home computer anyway so $45/month for cable is a waste.
yup… 34.99/ mo … if you sign a 1 year contract you get free installation and a free wireless router…
if you wanna just go month by month you dont get free installation
welp… as of a week ago, i would have agreed with you… and i don’t state this for sure, but i beileve that cable slows down as more ppl get on the network (i couldnt remember, but that’s what teh verizon man told me yesterday when he was installing)… this keeps giving you the full bandwidth no matter what…
and i didnt think it would make a huge difference, but i wanted to give it a try, especially since its cheaper than Comcast cable, and its amazing the difference… i’m downloading shit at 600+ k/sec like i said before, and i was only downloading at 70-80 k on cable… so all i can say is it’s made a believer outta me…
i do agree tho… 15 / mo for DSL, despite the speed, is rediculously awesome