Haiku Insult Journal

I hate the Sabres

I root for a losing team

Go Toronto Go

Fast food industry

not working too well for me

poor wigger right hurr

I do not have text
A disgrace to all asia
chopsticks are hard too


I do not have text
A disgrace to all asia
chopsticks are hard too


I’m here in your threadz

Not following the guidelines

I suck at the life

i drive a hot car.
i am to pussy to track,
it. i suck at live!

Who ya gonna call?
I ain’t afraid of no ghost
wanna go UE?


I do not have text
A disgrace to all asia
chopsticks are hard too


I edit my post

hoping people wont see it

I fail horribly


i drive a hot car.
i am to pussy to track,
it. i suck at live!


ball park hot dogs rule
they so plump when you cook them
i drive clitaurus


i drive a hot car.
i am to pussy to track,
it. i suck at live!


you’re just a complete idiot aren’t you?

well i would be too if i sucked at LIVE!


I edit my post

hoping people wont see it

I fail horribly


Single guy with cat
Ninja edits blow my mind
How’s my camo look?


Single guy with cat
Ninja edits blow my mind
How’s my camo look?



You think I’m asian

Lack of downforce makes me slow

White car with fart can

on a related note


You think I’m asian

Lack of downforce makes me slow

White car with fart can


Lack of park bench, SWEET!
fat kid 1 shoe called me rice
I hate everything

boy with yellow car
he must get health insurance
ouch goes rotator


You think I’m asian

Lack of downforce makes me slow

White car with fart can


I make out with men

I lose to a white scooby

even with huge wing

this one here is from skunk to sureshot i broke a rule using a name FYi

adam i love you
your heart sings to me so cute
stick it in my butt

I make plans with you

I then don’t answer my phone

why am i so whipped?


boy with yellow car
he must get health insurance
ouch goes rotator



meet me at mighty

my electronic drift team

worst member ever

OhMyGod Pumpkins!
Lets carve them to say fail
I will ignore phone

Can’t drive Fifty-Five
Only to cut others off
With much aggression