Halas + Poopra = Burnouts.

Right click, save as…

Sorry so small… cam phone. They should open with quicktime.

Right click, save as… (or they won’t work)

Halas - count the gears bitch


Halas T-way the fuck up!!!

Spencer…ehhhh… :lol:


Halas is definately had the win on that display

My skid marks were wider though

Sounds like a loose ass problem

LOL…still peeling the rubber off…wish the vid was a bit bigger. Can’t get Spencer’s to download for some reason, get that line lock in bitch! :tup: to good times, this is why you need dumbestics to cruise with ya!

Damn, I miss you guys…

hahaha awesome stuff guys :tup:, just wish he had some high res vids of that :smiley:

Be down to visit in a couple weeks :eekdance: :hay:

halas. you have forever Changed the way in which i will do burnouts

holy crap

i got 4, was i right?


halas > traction


hhahahahaha awesome!

Burning 4 gears on Drag Radials :eek:


can’t wait.

Got the tickets for the race and some fun stuff in the works…

that was on DR’s?? :eek:

Im amazed the fronts held… LL or not!

halas = teh win. A doooodestic that I actually like. :slight_smile:

lol if that was on DR’s,they have to be bald now.

different angle on spencers burnout


holy shit halas rofl

LOL the DR’s don’t have much life now! The front usually don’t hold, in fact this was the first time that they did hold. Can anyone convert these videos to something other than .3g2’s? Maybe mp4’s or something??