Half million people without water in Ohio

Not sure if anyone heard about this with the wall to wall Bills coverage, but just 240 miles up Lake Erie there is a toxic algae bloom that has shut off tap water to half a million people in OH. Can’t drink it, can’t bathe with it, can’t let your pets drink it. Hell, you can’t even boil it because all that does is increase the concentration of the toxins.

And yeah, that’s the same Lake Erie most of WNY gets it’s tap water from.

Scary shit. Luckily the blooms have never made it as far as our end of the lake. It got as close as Erie, PA though and at the rate they’re dumping phosphates in from the Ohio valley it’s only a matter of time.

I thought that being at the deeper end of lake area protects us from the blooms they see at the west end. Lake Erie is ridiculously shallow from long point west.

This isn’t a threat here. We are too deep where we pull the water from. We have other shit in our water to worry about.

It’s 35’ deep where Erie County pulls the water from. In Toledo the depth is 30’.

Here’s a satellite image from the worst algae outbreak in 2011:

That’s crazy. I hope nothing happens to our water.

Ban has been lifted - http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/04/us/toledo-water-warning/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Not to sound like a hippie douche but this is one good reason to switch to eating organic. GMO’s are not only harmful to your body, but they destroy the environment and wildlife as well. I hope one day we will learn before it’s too late.

This has nothing to do with GMO’s. It has everything to do with 3 things.

  1. Phosphate runoff from fertilizer being spread in the spring and the spring rains washing it into the Ohio River Valley watershed.
  2. Phosphate from untreated sewers entering the lake from the Detroit River.
  3. Phosphate from domestic lawn fertilizers getting washed into the street sewers and then into the lake.

As for your irrational GMO fears, I’ll let someone much smarter answer that one.


Ya that is the most amazing thing people believe. That and the organic thing with how many people don’t realize that it still can be sprayed and stuff.

I think when people hear genetically modified they picture a tomato being dipped in a glowing vat of “harmful science stuff”.

Haha ya probably.

My only concern with GMOs is a lot are resistant to certain pesticides which would result in farmers using more potent chemicals which potentially could be absorbed by the food and eaten by people.

They are… it’s called pesticide.

You really have NO idea what you’re talking about. I wonder how many of your friends actually believe what comes out of your mouth.

I think when I buy a house, I will get a “tinfoil hat” setup going. You could get a really large quantity of drinking water to keep in the basement for very little money.

Wouldn’t it be more connected to still water ? Lake Erie by us is moving pretty well
Like how algae builds up in ponds which is why they put bubblers in them. Or in a pool that doesnt run the filter

Mr Puno, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Billy Madison. Well done…and you sir WILL be awarded points.


I’m more worried about the EBOLA EPIDEMIC OF 2014 OHHHHH NOESSSSS.

Off grid FTW.

I can’t die soon enough!