Halloween costume ideas(must offend)

I am going to a politically incorrect halloween party and I need ideas for a costume. I can make the costumes for just me or for me and my girlfriend.

hitler, osama bin laden, sadaam hussien, george W bush, monica lewinski

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski for a couples thing

Osama Bin Laden and a Flight Attendant for a Couple thing

The VT shooter for yourself

OJ Simpson and Nicole for a Couples thing

Go as a middle aged man and have your gf dress like a teeny bopper

The list goes on and on

Last year I went as a priest and my wife went as a little boy.

One of you can be a big nickel and the other can wear a beard and yamika and give chase.

how about mister vick with a fake dog in ur hand

Chris Hansen from Dateline, I know theres going to be a few younguns at my friends party so once I see one of my friends talking to one Im going to tap him on his shoulder and tell him “why dont you have a seat over their”
me and 2 other friends were going to dress up as the guys from the pick-up artist, mystery and the other 2 and get rejected by every girl at the party. I swear she was giving out I.O.I.s and making kino.

Abortion doctor. This is a classic I must say and the credit goes to Lee.

Get some scrubs and take a doll and put it’s hands and feet in fake blood then make prints all over the scrubs and walk around with a stretched out coat hanger around your neck.



:lol: at the chris hansen one

pussy man


gorilla suit w/ a kevin everett jersey

edit: or a full body condom w/ holes in it and a majic johnson jersey


how about mister vick with a fake dog in ur hand


replete with blackface

Come on now. it’s so easy. Everyone loves a pregnant nun.

michael jackson and have your girlfriend put a black hood over her head her one of his children.

see: http://msnbcmedia3.msn.com/j/ap/xhj10104190915.widec.jpg

“Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin and a manta ray

or this is pretty offensive:

a baseball uniform and some zombie makeup comprises an instant Cory Lidle costume. (found on internet)

chris benwa?

Bump. I need some more ideas the part is this Friday.



aborted fetus > *