Halloween costume ideas

I’m 7 months pregnant and I need some halloween costume ideas. I’m going for ideas that involve the belly since it’s kinda hard to hide at this point…Here are a few ideas that I found on google but would rather do something that doesn’t involve painting since I’m not very artistic.

  1. Classic Jack-o-Lantern—paint your belly orange with a classic smiling face. You can wear ordinary street clothes, or overalls with a flannel shirt and a straw hat.

  2. Fish-Bowl—paint a fish and some bubbles on your belly, then wear a light blue or white outfit.

  3. Watermelon—paint stripes on your belly in 2 different shades of green to look like a watermelon, then dress like a farmer.

  4. Bun in the Oven—paint a loaf of bread on your belly and dress like a chef.

  5. Peek-a-Boo—if you know a really good artist, you could have them paint your belly to look like your baby is peeking out. Ordinary street clothes would work fine with this costume.

  6. Crystal Ball—paint your belly white or light blue, and dress like a gypsy.

  7. Pea Pod—paint your belly green, then wear all green and cut a vertical slit in your shirt to let your belly show through.

  8. Basketball—paint your belly orange with black stripes, and dress like a basketball player.

I think were gonna need some pics pics of you/ your belly to actually see wich shape/object you could pull off the best


Man if my wife ever wanted to do those I’d push her down the stairs.

sorry but we will need some nudz first =)

:roll2: you hate naked pregnant girls, besides you see it everyday! :mamoru:


paint a coat hanger on your stomach

hahaha very funny jeff! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wear a black dress.

Attach a bunch of multi-racial baby dolls all over yourself.

Call yourself Angelina Jolie.

wait for it…



Not a bad idea, pretty creative actually, but I don’t think many people would get it, plus I don’t really look anything like her.

I know a girl who just won a costume contest for that.

Paint on giant lips? :shrug:

did she use full size dolls?

no i think they were just cheap dollar store ones or something…they were pretty small with soft plushie bodies.

Hook a hand pump up to a reservoir filled with water and intermittently through the night squirt it between your legs. You can be the Pregnant Girl…In labor.

HAHAHA, with my luck I would go into preterm labor and no body would believe me!


if i go somewhere where i need to dress up…it will be:


breast pump that periodically squirt milk would liven up any party!
