Halloween Party

xtremefords is a member here but rarely posts, but anyway, he has a 12 car garage that he got 2 of the bays finished (could fit 12 smaller cars in just the 2 bays) and we are throwing a huge Halloween party in there tonight, we spent last night until 3am drinking and setting up for this party and there should be a pretty impressive turnout, but once we got all the vehicles out we realized how much space there is (around 1800 sq ft) so we can fit a bunch more people

if anyone is interested in coming the house is in Peters Twp. right where waterdam and thomas intersect, there’s going to be a few kegs and some liquor, most likely just one concoction in a polar water machine, dj, possibly a live band, plenty of beer pong and other games

i wont be around a computer much today but if anyone is interested (devin and mac should be attending) PM me

sounds fun but really I no costume

birthday suit?


thats it? damn its HUGE!!!
what the hell is all the roads and fields behind it?

must be nice

That’s the horse farm that someone’s trying to sell for 19 Million from what I remember. I don’t think that’s where it is, is it?

yeah thats the 19 mill house/48 acres…but thats not where the party is unfortunately google nancy lane (which is like barely south and east from that pic) not sure the address but there a house, pool, and big ass garage (if google is updated recently enough) nowhere near that big, normal size house…but anyway, you can throw together a costume, gonna be a great time, you should come out

What happened?

u dressed as a sherif from brokeback mountain :dunno:

and actually got in that nasty ass coffin :eek4:


sherriff of tombstone actualy n yes i got in that nasty ass coffin,but only because big breastesessss followed me in there:bigok:


[QUOTE=Pewter;472668][/QUOTE]o shut up u over sized oompa loompa lookin like mother fucker:bowrofl: