Halloween party's? Bars-where? Oct 31st

Looking for somewhere thats having a killa halloween party on Friday the 31’st. Besides downtown, where else is having good party’s etc.


lol srry

Try my asshole… its a scary one though… :wink:

not looking for a place to park my car, just a cool party!

I know of a party my boy is throwing, I will see if I can invite NYspeed, there will be a bunch of kegs( Oktoberfest) etc. They were handing out flyers at school so it should be pretty big. Its off Lafayette.

Knox 20. applied economics exam :roll2:


KNOX 20 = big room at UB.

my foreign teacher thought it would be a good idea to schedule an exam on Halloween night. pretty cool, i can’t wait

nice, looks like your evenening is planned for ya, have a blast, dont drink to much!

I hear Coyotes is doin some crap for the holiday, looks like im stuck goin there. Im at the mercy of our DD.

town ballroom

The fact that you have to post up asking where parties are, tells me a lot about you.

Perhaps there is a reason you haven’t been informed of any.



Well I shall join into the fun too… “LOSER”


Just because it hasn’t been corrected already:

“Parties” not “Party’s”

not if its the Halloween parties

wait, its gotta be the party’s Halloween.

LOL i have an exam too in 40 minutes

fuckin jewB

thanks winner. I know of a handful of houseparties, thats not what im lookin for, i am looking for any where myself and the ten or so friends of mine can go and rip it up. Bars is what i meant to say, thanks for your insight, im sure you’ll have a good time hanging out with yer “cool” friends.

please tell me you didnt spend the time making that.