Halo Nerds: ASSEMBLE!

Halo coming to you in RTS, NOT being produced by bungie :ohnoes:

Looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

A tad skeptical, but excited none the less :smiley:



is ages of empires any good? because it’s being put out by the same developer…

I hope its more like command and conquer and not like ages. I would compare ages to sim city with wars.

Didn’t the same group who did Age of Empires do Rise of Nations?

it doesn’t appear that way.


they’re both published by microsoft though.

i thought the vid was pretty sweet…the article says the game will take place before halo1, during the “fall of reach” period of the books, which of course explains the mass of spartans :stuck_out_tongue:

someone DL the HD trailer and host it

im downloading it now at 1.2mb/s :slight_smile:


i dont know… i think i would want a mouse and kb for this game… hrmmmm