Just bought an xbox 360.....

just bought the xbox 360 for halo 3, got the special edition halo xbox. What games do you guys recommend?
I like rpgs, action, and first person shooters.

r6 vegas

gears of war

deadrising killing zombies ftw

Can’t believe no one has said it. Bioshock.



oh and Gears of War.

the great thing about xbox 360 is that every game mentioned above, are such great games… all of them so solid…

1.Halo 3
2.Gears Of War
5.Dead Rising

those just meet your chriteria… my own list would contain forza 2, nhl 08 and maybe Dirt

i forgot about UNO spend the 5 bucks and get it its worth it

forza, nhl 08 and dirt is what i would recommend

chrome hounds


Splinter Cell : Double Agent

guitar hero 2
nhl 08
rainbow six: vegas
halo 3

DEFINATLY all the above aaaannd, John Woo’s Stranglehold, and Medal Of Honor Airborne. Also, check out the other Medal Of Honor Games.

Stranglehold is better than I thought it would be, it is like Max Payne times 4

Go to fye and try to find rainbow 6 vegas used, sign on and get addicted.

trying to replace the founding fathers of PRK are we?

I may have to exact my revenge for your foolish oversight, robherself…

No sir just doing my part to recruit more n00bs. BTW leveling up takes forever now! aaron caught up to me.

well he cant play nhl08 so i guess r6 is his only hope.