Ham Vs. Bacon

discuss… some like ham, others bacon, some go as far as to call ham “canadian bacon”

ham is simply delicious but if u keep the bacon in the grease it tastes soooo gooood …yea im fat so what lo

meh… hashbrowns with them little breakfast sausages… smothered in raspberry maple syrup

wow, where do i begin… timmay where are you this is the best discussion ever

this is a ham vs bacon discussion. not sausage knibblers with raspberry syrup… although, the raspberry syrup ontop of bacon, ontop of hashbrowns, might be good.

ya with a side of jeffs mom yummy lol j/k

no ham, no bacon…

asshole… lol

I don’t like regular ham that much, but I love bacon

Grandpa: Well let me tell you something now, Johnny. Last Thursday, I turned 95 years old. And I never exercised a day in my life. Every morning, I wake up, and I smoke a cigarette. And then I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch, I eat a bacon sandwich. And for a midday snack?
John: Bacon.
Grandpa: Bacon! A whole damn plate! And I usually drink my dinner. Now according to all of them flat-belly experts, I should’ve took a dirt nap like thirty years ago. But each year comes and goes, and I’m still here. Ha! And they keep dyin’. You know? Sometimes I wonder if God forgot about me. Just goes to show you, huh?
John: What?
Grandpa: Huh?
John: Goes to show you what?
Grandpa: Well it just goes… what the hell are you talkin’ about?
John: Well you said you drink beer, you eat bacon and you smoke cigarettes, and you outlive most of the experts.

Venison Sausage FTW

ohhh yeahh and as odd as it is, deer heart is actually delicious

A fresh smoked ham is the bomb, that boiled shit they sell in the grocery store shouldn’t be allowed to carry the name “ham” it should be called, boiled, salty pork. Bacon, like all fatty foods, I avoid, though I did have some on a sandwich from Panera a month ago and it was delicious.

I don’t get to enjoy any nice meat products because my parents are cheapskates and I’m poor


alot of the shit that comes out is delicious unless u murder the shit outta it when ya shot it

I don’t like either?

Go back to Russia, do not go past go, do not collect $200.

MMMM… Russian Ham…

Pork chops?