hang out at the my "new lot" friday 9pm

Fuck sakes stop arguing about your gay Camaros!

Smokin_LS bring my cutout :slight_smile:

I’ll roll thru

Its a cool spot. I dont know how it was years ago, but through work I know that this is patrolled often by state police. Maybe not so much at night, but even still we just have to make sure we are on our best behavior. No littering or any dumb shit. Luckily I know most of the troopers that would patrol the lot, so if there are any problems I can talk with them.

that but if we all park on the one side of the lot no one can see use from the surrounding roads…

plus since no cars are there at night troopers don’t have a reason to roll thru since no one’s car is there to get broken into… plus bums and other suck walkers can’t just walk into the parking lot since it is fully fenced off

was an awsome stop way back when…

we can give it a shot if you guys want. If we get booted, then we can find another spot.

i have a feeling we’ll be find in this spot for quite some time

pm directions plz def interested.

-rep for being a curious george

And this is far enough out of the way, the cops will be busy at the Kohls lot. And this is right near my “hood”

:wtf hey I get along with every body but not everone gets along with me thats all…:hug

I don’t think so.

I also think Z28LT1Rocket may be a PR…

z28 is deff fishy business.

Wise ones with the foriegn cars and foh cilindas…:lmao

Using my name in vane? I see how it is.:Idiots

Curious George was the man…I don’t see any vein in that!


I love you Govel.

im interested…id like to meet some of you guys…i know im a new guy but hey gotta meet peeps sometime! lol

Hey I dunno if youve seen my kinda loud red 87 cougar at “the” lot…Im always in mcd’s if ya seen me you know Im not a troublemaker…would love a PM so I can check this out.

Hola PM dirección para mí, gracias!
