hang out at the my "new lot" friday 9pm

brew i can haz PM?

ok everyone should have a PM

Spot seems pretty good btw.

IF I go. I dont really go to meets anymore, I have a life :slight_smile:

you have a job and recently moved in with girlfriend…

You may think thats a life but its not… the whole drinking part even drinking with your friends, is a poor cover up and effort to delay in your mind the process of what you have just done… get out while you can

nothing has changed since I have moved in with the girlfriend…we have basically lived together for over a year…just never paid to live together, thats about the only thing that changed

I hardly go out drinking, and when I go…its only at special events like Americade

Give it time… regardless of weather or not shes the girl you spend the rest of you life with and are happy with that

things will change… you will find out and notice things you dont want to

I would pm people directions but i barely know them myself.

Ohh wait, wasnt she that great big fat person?

Kohls lot = Colonie

New Lot = Albany

Yes. Yes she was…


this should be a good place. ive meet a few people on here,but would like to more. i’ll bring a chair or two.

Word Jim bring the chairs this time

Ill be bringing mine

Things will change, give it time.

dj i sent you directions you fool… you know where it is

Brew, eat a dick up til you hiccup.

its only been like a month :rofl:rofl

sounds like you should get the fuck out of the car scene then. if you think that the only people in it don’t have lifes. people have different hobbies this is ours, and we have a life, theres nothing wrong with meeting up with people that have a similar hobby as yours and talking about it, its the same thing as going out and getting smashed every night with other people that get smashed, but i guess that to you is having a life and this isn’t.

Well put…

Srsly ive met some cool people on here and made some friends here n there…

Not to mention when your hanging around iwth people like Jim and elliot the shananigans that go on just make it 10x better :rofl

if people want something to do while they are there and get bored… bring a football or something to throw around… there is a TON of room

Ill bring the lube and anal ezee