anyone hanging out tonight any were like south park, u town . etc…
im may head up uniontown, but im not sure yet
anyone else goin to uniontown on here?
:doh: its to cold anyways going to hooters then the filly tonight
Originally posted by turbotalon91
:doh: its to cold anyways going to hooters then the filly tonight
:doh: then you’ll have to :jerkit: later!! Go find some real
i’ll jsut do it while i’m their :eek3:
Originally posted by turbotalon91
i’ll jsut do it while i’m their :eek3:
Originally posted by P8NT-BALLAH
Originally posted by turbotalon91
i’ll jsut do it while i’m their :eek3:
fuck, take one in the back room, she’ll bang ya out…
I dont want to hear non of this no sex shit, they sure as fuck do it.
Originally posted by tsibribri
anyone else goin to uniontown on here?
I was actually debating checking out the UT strip tonight just since I haven’t been down there for a while and it’s a nice night. :bigthumb:
No locations :eek3:
Private Message is your friend…
“UT strip” x2548043
Originally posted by turbovw18
“UT strip” x2548043
Originally posted by turbovw18
“UT strip” x2548043
even the cops are laughing about that