well here’s the deal with that. long story. i had frame galvanized and then brought back to have our local powder coater do it. i was told 2 wks. that is in the begining of oct. i got it back new years eve!!!??
the color orginall was supposed to be grany smith green ( flip flop color) with
a glow in the dark agent added to the color. so it would glow in the dark of course…
well the pc guys took so long the customer was going nuts. and went to talk to them well. the talked him out of the glow in the dark agent which with the color choice would of matched the body almost perfect. but with out the glow in the dark agent colors r way different…
the glow in the dark sample looks wild. it hardly ever see’s sun light. but when i shut the lights off u can find it…
so long story short they fahked up the frame ( a ton of imperfections) and it’s just granny smith green now… the pc looks great from 3ft away but if u get close to it u can see a bunch of bubbles in the clear on it. I MEAN A LOT OF BUBBLES!!
they also told customer there was absolutely nothing they could do for him. and charged him full price. out of 18 parts pc’ed the frame was the only one that got screwed up.
i’ve had quite few things done. with this company. and been happy for the most part.
there’s been a few small things here and there but this expected with the amount of stuff i do. i was just lil pissed that out of 16 or 18 things i brought them. the only one to get screwed up was the frame and they wouldn’t even cut the guy a deal…
i mean the customer was upset but like he said it’s a wheelin truck not a show truck.
but u still need to make sheet right. thats all i was getting at…
well it’s finally move along quite nicely. i’ll post up some new px tomorrow when i get home.
ran all the electrical. s.s fuel and return line, s.s brake lines today. just need to put all new ebrake cables on tomorrow and the chassis is all buttoned up.
except for the need to order new front drive shaft. old one is just a wee bit too short with spring shackle reversal kit. no need to take any chances.
wheeled body out tonight b4 i left and put up on stands. neeed to reapir 2 body mounts. 1 ripped out and 1 that sum one at sum point tried to repair with a bubble gum welder :wtf…
this weekend paint guy is coming to do sum touch to the the body. then it goes back
on. then at all that is left is just finall hook up brake and clutch bleed. and last but not least i need to fab up a new battery box…
OH that is beacuz with the addition of the 12,000lb warn under full load will completely drain the 1 batt and then not only will he be stuck but stalled too.lol
so it’s getting 2 batts.