Project: Good enough just isn't good enough this time

Well, I’ll finally be moving onto my land within the next year. The house is beyond run the fuck down so the plan is for the next two years I’m just going to put as little money as I have to so its livable and then when Sam graduates we’ll buy a decent two story modular home and tear out the old house. This gives me two years of virtually no bills since I own all three of my cars, own my land and current shanty of a house (its not worth restoring at all) and have almost completely paid off my student loans.

So I started the final steps of a little project long in the making.

As you can see a couple of the pieces have already arrived and the rest are on their way just apparently they are made to order. This isn’t baller assed Vertex but its a decent duraflex knock off. I have never been one to be all name brandy and it usually at time bites me in the as but fuck it for the price i get this entire kit for I couldn’t even buy the front bumper of the actual non widebody Vertex kit.

Quality of this stuff so far is halfway decent. Better than my previous aero pieces. I don’t mind doing a lot of fitting work. The only thing I am not sure of is what kind of filler do you use on duraflex ( a very flexible almost polyurethane fiberglass). Kitty hair?

Pics of how the rear overs sit out of the box.

Now the whole plan of this project is to thing 100% right this time around and to have a car that for a while has no visible cracks or zipties although I still plan on using zipties to attach the bumpers cause it makes life so easy to remove those pieces. I’m not building a drift car anymore I am building a mid life crisis neck-breaker. I want a car that turns the head of your average porsche, M3, S4 sub $100K car driver.

Surprisingly I apparently had already pulled my rear fenders to near wide body width. I was planning on having to run a spacer and being able to run little to zero camber. Looks like I’m going to have to possibly choose one or the other though.

Now I have a lot of work ahead of me and I know I am going to have to get the car repainted after this one, but I have decided I really do not want pearl white again so I need to know if its possible and fairly cheap (don’t want to spend $5000 on paint) to just do a plain high contrast white. The pearl just sucks for chips and repair and unless its spotless clean it just looks BLEH. I have seen a couple of wide body pearl white SC and the pearl really muddies the nice lines of the wide body.

So plans are:
-Pull the car off the road after Travis’s Dad’s Cruise
-Pull the old kit off
-cut out the rear quarter panels and find some one to come to the garage and weld them up
-Tear down the rear suspension and swap to these
-go from welded to limited slip rear end
-pull drivers seat and have upholstered in black leather with diamond pattern inserts

  • fill in second passengers side exhaust hole in rear bumper
  • fit wide body
  • do all body work to the best of my abilities
  • send car out for respray to standard white

The car is going to be mint when I’m done. Any one who wants to offer help or advice on the body work it will be greatly appreciated

exciting things are ahead

Awesome man!

Subscribed, your threads never disappoint.

Also congrats on the land! Garage with the house? Only good/epic things can come out of this :ahh

The most valuable thing thing on the property is a horse barn. My parents were boarder line hoarders so I will be spending the next two solid years cleaning can the property. There are some old horse trailers and fences that need to be broken down and currently a decent garage/shop but it built off the side of a 54 foot tractor trailer which I want gone. The location is amazing but right now what’s there is worthless. Once I get the house and garage I have picked out on the land it will be a gold mine. Thanks to my building industry contacts I’ll get a 2 story 3 bedroom modular and build a garage with masterbedroom over that for under $100,000. Biggest issue is going to be financing it since what is there now has virtually no mortgage value under appraisal.

The car is basically going to be built strictly off bonuses coming in the next two years and I want to stick to a royalty budget of $4000the with myself doing all but the paint and set upholstery

Lmao, small world, I just waited on uou at the boardwalk in LG, saw you getting in the car as I was leaving work had no idea lmao, car looks great!

Corey waits on everybody, thats how you meet Corey Maurer.

Good luck in the build man, i was hoping to see a manual, 2jz swap or something but this will still be interesting nonetheless.

LMAO, Dan was in my restaurant awhile ago too Jim… I wasnt sure it was him tho till he left! boo

Needs manual tranny swap

Haha that’s awesome. Boardwalk is one of my favorite places. I eat there at least one or twice a week

I really don’t care about manual anymore at all. If you think about it a lot of nice cars are flappy paddle gear boxes are now and driving a car as low and soon to be wide as mine is stressful enough that worrying about gears would just make me hate driving it

pics of land and shanty?

don’t have any pictures of that yet.

My door pillars which from the factory are black but over time they bleach out and to top that off one had begun to chip , have been bothering me for quite a while now. So I did a quick easy little repair

Its not real CF cause the real CF stuff fit very poorly and was way to glossy. This is just some 3m Dinoc

Is the tractor part there still? What is it?

No tractor. Just the trailer.

The tractor was an old Peterbuilt but that is long gone along with the other two piece heavy machinery hauler

thats fucking gay as shit. I’d have taken that ol pete.

Put the Lexus up in the garage today. Going to start taking all the body panels off soon and putting all the wide body stuffs on. Debating on whether or not I should mold the over fenders on or let the rivits and edges show

Got some shit done today

Pulled the entire front end apart today

Test fitted the fenders, which the fenders themselves fit almost perfectly but the following picture will show you the reality.

Virtually none of the mounting tabs come even remotely close to lining up with the chassis points.

I think there were possibly 3 locations where a hole could be drilled and an actual OEM bolt used. Pretty piss poor, but you have to expect it with a kit that cost less than half of the Vertex original. I plan personally on making sure the fender itself lines up perfectly outside which means I will probably be making some 1/8" aluminum adapter plates to attach the mounting points on the fenders to the mounting points on the chassi

Fitment otherwise is pretty good

Hood lines look good

The kit itself fits together fairly well also. I need to shave a couple of little corners down but that will not be hard at all

The rear overs fit fairly well also, little waviness and gaps along the window line and trunk line

What I am surprised about is looking at things fitted I really don’t have much more room for bigger tires in front or rear. In fact currently with the 215/45 in front I don’t think I can pull out more than 3* of the -5* of camber I have in the front before destroying those fenders. In the rear zero camber current tires and a 10mm slip on space may see a little poke even.

Either Vertex Ridge really isn’t as wide as everyone makes it out to be or the wheel set up on my car and the pull i did on all the fenders was far more aggressive than I thought it was.

thought it looked good before but this is starting to look even better:number1

Yea, I feel ya on not seeming as wide, my wide fenders dont seem like they are going to give me a ton more room either, although I havent gotten around to lowering the car back to where it should be…

Wow those parts seem to fit well, looking good so far

Front bumper is in. Now that that is here it reminded me of something, there is nothing more I hate than the chicken wire shit the include to fill holes and such in body kits, but on an oem car there is always a grill material in every hole.

I was considering buying a bunch of this stuff since I have the three large holes in the front bumper on the bottom, the vents in the hood and the vents in each front fender.

Being plastic its is flexible has more body than that mesh shit and can be cut quite easily. I could mount is just away from the back of the unit and it would closely resemble oem bumper mesh on most cars.

Question is would it look better mounted completely at the back of an opening or where you could see some white continuing behind it?