HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! -56K suck wind

Fucking A Right


8 - 2 from a concrete pad 22 x 24 to a completed building
4 window, 1 steel man door, 2 7x9 doors.

… people thought i could wrench when working in a muddy and snowy back yard, HA!

this is the best birthday ever

Your b-day is tomorrow and the rent is going up for your b-day.

I’m going to plow into the garage tomorrow with my truck… like dad would do for me.

HOLY SHIT!!! :tup: dude thats awsome. Glad to see it came together. I thaught your dad said they had zoning issues?

shhh, what the town dont know doesnt hurt us.
300 sq foot my ass. :rofl:

fuck zoning issues, good deal man :tup:

So if you spent the time to do that, did you plumb in gas/electric and radiant floor heating?

the time i spent was taking pictures.

and we are intalling the electric and phone line after it gets inspected, it keeps the taxes down. :snky:

My dad paid for it to be put up, Choda is not a carpenter. No plumbing or electric yet.

And def no radiant heat in the floor… not being in the snow, laying in the snow, and working in the snow will be much warmer than not.

This garage resembles our lives… going from dirt, to better than dirt. Not quite the ritz, but its better than standing up and having your girlfriend scratch the stones out of your skin.

My father paid for half, i paid for the other.

… you dont know who your father is, remember?

:tup: looking good my man

ohhh snap

about how $ was this project?

:tup: to the stang shed

Actually that is my joke on him… I just didn’t want to emberass him more.
My dad is proud of me. He feels bad for Choda, so he lets him live there cheap.

lol. Can’t wait to see it tomarrow. I want a garage.

11 gs total


FUck yeah.


Very nice. :bday:

:tup: Just how fast did that get built?

And who painted the Mystery Machine Blue? Scooby and Shaggy are gonna kill you.

right after they clean out your fridge

Looks like 6 hours… with about a dozen guys.

Easy money.

Didn’t the mystery machine have side doors? This is a panel van kids, way cooler.

Damn man, hell yeah! :tup: