uhhh if i remember corecctly you fell asleep 5 HOURS b4 we did, up stairs on the floor in front of the bathroom, right next to pete. way to be an alky.


hey man…wait, you guys went to bed at 430? i woke up around then to piss…and pete slept next to me, not the other way around lol

ya they were :giggedy

girls left at 130, justin left after that, chris went to bed after that, and i stayed up. bc im apparently the only person that not an alky and can hold the alk. :slight_smile:

AND you went the bathroom. and slept next to him again in the living room. its ok, we all know your :gay

negative…both times he slept next to me since i was first there…and if you can hold your alc that makes you teh alky lol

hey now whos takin my throne of alkyness?!?!?!?!?!

um wut ?