oh yay, im just happy to have the house to myself for once and not hear nagging…lol…bla bla bla…lol… i just wish my iat bung was welded in, id be out in the driveway settin up ms…lol…

hahahah yeah not so lucky here…lol

couldn’t find a damned baby sitter so im stuck in house tonight…

ya till then ill be drinking some red bull and vodka’s till i wake up for work saturday…lol…

Im just hackin up a lung lol. Was gonna take my little sis and her friend out but I dont feel like goin anywhere so yeah…anywho. Happy new year nyspeed. May all the dumbass noobs/trolls diaf.

/\shhhhhh everybody…he has swine flu…shhhhhhhhh


i thaught that was last weeks worries… fuck swine flu…

I think I already had swine flu to be honest lol. this is just a nasty fucking cold or something. I have no fever at all, which is a big sign of the flu.

happy new year.

lets hope for some better noobs in 2010

yeah noobs :shrug:

Happy new year!!!

Happy New Year :slight_smile:

haha hopefully less drama this year


Change Player Size Watch this video in a new window2010 Red Bull New Year No Limits Travis Pastrana 269 ft World Record Jump! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIfYbqw3QCM dude is insane

Happy new year.

Happy New Year! Let the mods begin.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Fuck my head hurts.

Happy new year nyspeeder’s.

im much more prepared for this hangover than the one after xmas

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