Happy Thanksgiving/Holidays

Not sure what you pricks all celebrate. We are an Italian family so the turkey thing isn’t really popular. Oddly, my GF’s father isn’t into sports so I will watch football alone. :lol

Enjoy the Holidays and everyone be safe.

You don’t do the seven fish hell dinner do you? :ohnoes

It depends. Typically, there are a few kinds of fried/pan fried fish, some sort of shrimp/scallop, linguini with clam sauce (typically red), and a variety of pasta including all sorts of meatballs/sausage. The sauce is always homemade. Crystal’s sauce is better than her mothers but I won’t say that outloud. :lol

I am more the pasta/sausage with olive oil/bread and a lot of wine. I like fish but it has to be fresh.

turkey is boring… Momma does prime rib :giggedy

Yea, turkey is typically dry because most retards cook it to 180DEG. Gravy is gross. Cranberry is nasty.

I’ll take pasta and gravy any day.

Your anti-Americanism knows no bounds. :shifty

Laugh. I forgot. I am inviting Bin Laden over for dinner too.

Fuck turkey

Fillet minon FTW… Usualy we do some sort of Prime Rib or fillet… some seafood, mashed potatoes, various vegtables or some pasta

I remember the days of the seven course fish hell. :errr
Terrible. We have some kind of Scottish/Italian merger holiday dinners now that the old Italian folks are gone.
Definitely makes for some interesting eats… and typically heart burn.

what is this 7 course fish hell you guys are talking about?

I’d rather have seafood than turkey anyday

Italian families, that’s what they do for Christmas dinner. It’s a seven course meal of different kinds of fish/seafood.


It says Sicilian, but we are not. And my family still put me through this.

Yea. Christmas dinner and SEVERAL courses of fish/seafood. Some have it on Thanksgiving too.

A lot of people think Italian food is just pasta/gravy but it’s typically heavy heavy seafood (Italy is surround by water) :lol

not alot of Italian family’s really do the 7 different fishes anymore…we dont. We only do like 3 now along with other sea foods.

Real Italian food is much better than it’s Americanized brethren. :nod

We’re the same way Drew. When my great grandmother was alive though… what a different story that was.
We sat at a different table. We didn’t speak. We ate whatever we were given or else. Terrifying. :runaway

Sounds like my grandfather, full blooded german :ohnoes

yah we hafto eat whatever we take as well…I guess thats why I eat like a pig :crackup

but my family is hyper as hell so we talk constantly.

The Italian food down here is amazing. I typically went to Canalis/Mallozzis/and Villa Valenti in the Albany area.

Down here, it’s MUCH MUCh more expensive for Italian and it kills the experience for me. But, it’s good.

Mallozis. :runaway

My dad worked for them when I was younger. Leftovers galore. I can’t even look at a Villa Italia cream puff the same way. Talk about too much of a good thing.

Thats because the Italian food around here is usually your basic Italian menu, you don’t see any cool little specialty dishes etc usually its all your same chicken parm, pasta, veal, eggplant etc…

None the less a lot of restaurants “veal” isnt really veal :ohnoes
