Harry's Lap Timer (for iPhone)

Did a search and I guess this was mentioned in the iPhone thread but thought this was worth it’s own thread. I didn’t know about it until Poopra mentioned it in the Nelson Ledges thread and I went off searching for it.

Basically for under $100 you can make videos that look like this:

The app is only $16 but from what I’ve read if you want really accurate MPH readouts you need the TomTom iphone cradle because it has it’s own GPS that is far more accurate than the one built into the phone.


I’ll be posting up some videos next week because my TomTom mount will be here Tuesday. Ignore that my phone falls over 1/2 way through the video, it was just sitting there not secured at all.

EDIT: UPDATE 9/9/2011

TomTom fucked me on the iPhone mount (wouldn’t charge, no replacements, sent a refund) so I decided to go another route. Took a panel off my dash to find a good mount point for the phone and I’ll be using a friends GoPro Hero for video. Another $50 for a copy of DashWare and here’s a quick test video (watch on youtube for 720p):

We just swapped out the GoPro’s waterproof door for the open one so hopefully the sound will be better for the next test.

How much did you pay for a tom tom mount?

$80 from Amazon, free 2 day ship since I have a prime account.

I needed a new mount anyway because my current one keeps losing it’s grip. I’ve heard the TomTom one really locks on to the windshield.

I didnt use a tom tom, I zip tied a belt buckle mount to my dash and it worked fine. I was thinking of getting a tom tom though due to the increased gps strength. I am bidding on one on ebay.

Tried it out on lunch using just the iPhone4’s GPS.


Cool stuff :tup:

I’m actually shocked how well it worked using just the phone’s GPS.

Still think I’m going to run this plus my buddy’s GoPro Hero. Hopefully figure out how to add the overlay from the lap timer onto the GoPro vid.

I tried the overlay process with my gopro vid using dashware but did not have any success, let me know if you find a better way. I was just using the trial and had trouble with getting the data file imported. They finally fixed the issue but I havent had time to play around with it lately.

Dashware was the one I was looking at but didn’t want to drop $50 on it. Might mess around with the trial when my friend gets back from outer banks and I can borrow his GoPro.

I was going to buy if I found the trial easy to use, so far its been a PITA just getting the file and videos into dashware

Great post, thanks for the info, going to download this!

Ok this is from mosport, I f’ed up the orientation and the videos came out like garbage. Make sure you use a landscape as opposed to a portrait orientation or you will get vids like this when you overlay. This is also in low def since I uploaded from 3g on my phone.


lol… at least I can see the speed when it’s over the blue sky.

*Bump… see first post for new video

I know that track :slight_smile:

The sound will improve a tad if you remove the case, but you’ll still have that ‘tin’ noise.

Yeah, right after I got on it a bit and then turned onto Sullivan I noticed the two APD cars sitting at Tim Hortons. DOH!

Was just looking in to this for a track day. Seems like a great option. I really just wanted a data logger, I don’t know if I really need video. May be easier to mount if I’m not worried about getting a good video shot. You guy recommend it though?


It works even better for just data. I ended up using my buddies GoPro for video and had the iphone strapped down to my dash just grabbing data. Only problem I had was it failed to trip the start/finish at Nelson, but I found out it was a bug with the track someone uploaded for Nelson Ledges. Next time I go back (assuming someone hasn’t fixed it) is select custom track and tell it where the start/finish is, along with any section points I want.

^ Gives a good example of the data I pulled from it. It’s got a ton of export options for all kinds of different racing software, as well as google earth.

Relatively accurate just strapped in? Cool. Will probably try it out the next few days and figure out a good spot for the phone. Will make a “track” around my neighborhood :smiley:

Is there an Android app similar to this?

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