Has anyone ever contested a grade at UB?

My roommate had nothing less than an A- on all tests, went to every class, got perfects on all homeworks. Got a B in the class.

Emailed the teacher telling him he made an error, the teacher told him that was his grading policy he gets a B in the class

emailed again asking how he graded, teacher told him he gets a B and thats final

emailed the chair of the department, said its not his choice is the teacher gives a B then he gets a B

emailed someone higher idk who it was, and they said the same thing.

remember UB fucks you in the ass regardless if you do well or not…

Personally, I got fucked too. Handed in a paper, walked with the TA back to his office saw him put it on his desk. Went home, when the grades came back i didn’t get a paper, I talked to him, and asked him where my paper was, said he never got it.

emailed him after class i was furious, saying that i handed my paper back to him walked with him to his office and put it on his desk. He said he never received it, emailed the professor, never got a response. went to the professors office hours talk to him about it he told me he would look into it and email me by the next day, never got a response… blah blah blah more emailing

basically took an A and turned it into a B-, Turns out the TA lived on campus and his jack wasn’t working, such a shame “we were booked” to check his jack. and he had to wait 2 weeks :slight_smile: