Question for all you college graduates...

How many of you have failed a course before? If you have, what course was it and did you graduate on time or did you spend an extra semester finishing up classes?

I failed an accounting course and re took it over the next summer to keep on pace for graduation

Failed a bunch. Was on academic probation most of my college career. Only spent 4.5 years there tho. Swiched majors 3 times which really was my big holding back point.

It really depends on what you failed, how important it is to your major. For example, there was a set of classes you needed to complete to get into the school of management. If you failed on early, it may make it hard to complete them for example if you fail accounting 201, you cant register for 202 and complete the core classes which inturn prevent you from getting into the higher level classes. If you fail like World Civ you can take that anywhere without screwing up your track.

I’m absolutely horrible at Math, I just failed Math 124 (yeah…functions…) and being it’s my first class I’ve EVER failed, I’m just worried I guess. I know I can probably take it over winter so I can still graduate in the spring next year, or I can just take it over summer and graduate in August instead of May. It’s just bugging the shit out of me that I’m doing so shitty this semester lol.

My last quarter/semester was the ONLY one that I worried about failing a class. Other than the time and financial penalties of having to retake a course when it comes down to it, it doesn’t really matter. Take more time to know the material then take it again.

I retook two engineering classes that I got D’s in. I still finished in 8 semesters but I took 38 credits my freshman year, had a couple of courses waived from AP’s or SAT scores.

i also retook about 2 classes to bring up my grade. once i was in my major, it was smooth sailing. i also had to drop 2 classes because i don’t understand the “durka durka durka” language.

Quit being such a gay. I failed a class freshmen year, it’s not a big deal. Take six classes one semester, or do an inter-semester course during the winter and you’ll still graduate on time. I’m accustomed to your whining, but come on dude, this is getting out of hand.

I Failed Calc 2; along with 80% of the students who took the course that semester. There was a HUGE issue with the math dept that year that led to a major restructuring and a bunch of teachers getting fired/let go and the dean of that dept replaced. I graduated on time. I ended up taking it during the summer and passed it with a B.

The President of RIT got a stack of letters over 12" thick about the math department specifically a husband/wife who taught there and failed something like 95% of their students. 4.0 students who know everything got like a 35 in the class; I think my class average was a 25 or something dumb. I had the wife; she was the worst teacher I’ve ever had.

Worse grade I received was a C- in thermodynamics. I still had to take two summer classes in order to finish UB engineering in 4 years will working part/full time. :slight_smile:

I failed Calc one year. No big deal, still graduated on time.

Now more importantly: How the fuck do you fail a 100-level math class? Did you miss an exam or forget to bring your crayons or something? :zong: :poke:

Failed Differential Equations in my 4th year, retook it and got a B. I think it was mainly the way the teacher taught vs the way I learn. Probably the same issue with RIT Math as 97formula.

Who did you take it with?


I failed calc 3. But I was in Hawaii at the time so it didn’t really bother me that much. I took it over the summer the following year but I still took 5 years total because of 2 semesters where I barely took any classes. 1 was in Hawaii, the other was because of working a full time co-op that landed me my job offer at Moog.

I might fail a filler class i have, its “College Success Skills Telecourse”, I don’t have to go to it so i forgot about it til like yesterday and I have a 5 page paper due this friday. I’m on page 2 right now lol

I failed with Wanda Szpunar-Lojasiewicz (try Pronouncing that), then I retook with Deana Olles who I recommend.

Srsly I don’t lie when I say I suck at math lol, Brandon I only passed 103 cuz you were in it and the guy was a joke lol.

I’m trying to do this 4 year college thing, for education that’s tough, I just don’t want to spend more time at Buff State than I need to.

Why is that? When I was there it wasn’t called Muff State for nothing, the tits and ass were amazing. Have things changed that much since then?

Not to turn this into a “reasons I hate buffalo” rant, but let’s just say I don’t like being the minority on campus or being in a major that is backwards and upside down in terms of structure and involvement.