So physics 2 and calc 3 are kicking my ass this quarter and its only week 3. I just talked to my advisor and he said I should look into switching to mech-e technology. To me MET is basically worthless.

I’m also taking thermo and statics and those are going great. I’m going to look into switching into a physics class that meets 4 times a week instead of 3 and see if that helps. And then for calc I just need to try harder I think.

I’m really feeling discouraged with this whole engineer thing…


Again… This is sure to start a war all over again; always does.

Sit back, and work your hardest at it and see if you can figure it out; Only you can make it work or not work; and only you can make the choice.

Physics 2 and Calc 3 are both still required for MET by the way. Although Physics 2 is slightly different, the Calc 3 is the same.

As for MET being useless… Personally… it’s served me very well. Although most/all “ME” holders will say I’m the exception.

I don’t know what its like at RIT, but at UB I found my sophomore year to be by far the hardest (thermo, calc 3/diff eq, statics/solids, dynamics etc) and I was pretty discouraged in the end. My junior year ended up going ALOT better and I was happy I ended up sticking to it. I say just buckle down and get it done, you’ll be glad you didn’t give up in the end.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend anyone by that but as far as my crass understanding goes they are totally different; one does r&d the other builds it. While I love building things something doesn’t sit right with me in switching.

And yea, I have the feeling that after this fiasco it will be relatively smooth sailing.

I had a physics test last night and I probably bombed it. In class I understand everything fine. In the homework yea kinda. but on a test I blank out for a lot of it. Same deal with the calc quiz this morning. and I got a C in calc 2. never got anything below a B prior. trig integration fucked me.

Stick with it. If your grades start to suffer the quarterly system might be too fast for you. In that case I would look into transferring schools.

Sounds like you’re a lot of people; Stress over the test and your brain blanks. Do some research on test taking methods. Some people need to study like mad and stay up 24 hrs before; other people need to study and sleep 8 hours before, others don’t need to study at all and if they do, then they bomb it. You just need to figure out your method for studying and taking tests.

Both majors, hell, any major you’re going to run into things like this; you just gotta figure out what works best for you.

Kinda the same in industry; people solve problems differently. I know I drive some people nuts when I’m really involved in figuring out a complex issue, I tend to zone out completely and talk to myself after a while because it helps me think/talk my way through it better than just quietly going through it in my head.

No offense taken; but I’m not getting into the differences in what they do for responsibilities; as it’s been discussed and just turns into a shit fest quickly. The position you end up in is all up to you, the degree just makes opening doors easier; it doesn’t guarantee an in or out of the door. The degree is a starting point for your career; you take it wherever you want with the positions and responsibilities you accept and the experience you build from those.

^What he said.

I love MET and ME discussions.

I don’t; because they always end up sounding beyond arrogant like Reiter and just don’t/can get it.

Uhm… Even with MET you can opt to take the ME classes, I did. I just found the sitting in a class to be way too boring for me vs actually being in the lab…

In any engineering/applied science major you’re gonna have classes that you just don’t get, and it kicks your ass. Just push through it. Get help from people in your class or go to office hours or something. JUST PASS and don’t look back. That’s my advice.

I am not an engineer but from your previous posted grades I noticed that you strive for near perfect grades. This is great! but as someone who does the same once you are in a class that you just aren’t getting an A, hell maybe not even a B it will make you really feel terrible. So what I am saying is do you think you are just stressing? Maybe its just not going to be your best grade(they cant all be). Or are you going to fail? If you aren’t going to fail just do like jnky said and pass that shit and move on.

Suck it up buttercup. There are going to be some classes you barely squeak through. I had to retake a couple of classes. One of my best friends is a damn good engineer and just finished a masters in EE, but he had to take statics 3 times to get there. Aside from not being afraid to fail, make sure the professor knows you putting in an honest effort. It’s not unheard of for a professor to give you a C- so you don’t have to retake the class when you really earned a D if he knows that you are doing well elsewhere and giving it your best shot.

^True. You definitely need to pick your battles. I think my worst subject was Heat Transfer. I did the course work and wound up with a decent grade. But, I didn’t kill myself for a 3.8/4.0

I forgot the undertone sarcastic “[i]” “/[i]” in my response.

I loathe them.

That’s my office. See that framed piece of paper in the middle on UB letterhead? That’s my letter of dismissal from the honors program. When I met with my advisor because I wasn’t keeping my grades up her only advice was that I reconsider whether or not I was really cut out for engineering." :tup:


Advisors at UB were always assholes.

Maybe it’s not too late?

Mine was the head of the effing honors program. Thanks again for the tip Josie! I’m glad I didn’t listen to you!

Don’t mind my ET degree banter…

Nothing wrong with MET degree, but having been through the hiring process ME does look a little more appealing to a potential employer. I have a friend who got laid off (MET degree) and went back and got a MS in MET, employers do not care one bit about that degree. He just found another job, basically the same position he got let go from 18 months ago.

Having said that, I’ll hire MET people all day when I want something DONE, not THOUGHT about.

I have an ME from RIT…