Mechanical Engineer Salary?

Anyone have an idea roughly how much an entry level mechanical engineer can expect to make in WNY? McGard has a posting but no figures. Online, the average bachelors degree candidate in mechanical engineering received starting offers averaging $48,585 a year. Seems high i think. Thanks

well thats what it is

Is that a lot?

i have seen people get any were from 42k-57k starting fresh out of college with a B.S, in buffalo area. so 48.5k seems right for an average

P.S. i talked to McGard at the job fair at UB last week and it seemed that they needed someone ASAP .

It’s a good salary to start but in a few years that number will be much higher.

Seems high for WNY based on other similar positions in the area. Thats all i was thinking.


I’ve seen one career site list WNY as 42 low, 47 median, 52 high.
National was 46 low, 52 median, 58 high.

at cameron when i graduate with just an associates, i will supposedly start at 40k, and after u graduate with a bachleors, which they pay for, it goes up to 60

Going to cameron on friday for a Buff state mini-project ENT422. The guy in charge of this project (Ed) sounded interested in hiring some mechanical engineers.

Thats not bad, considering the area, but not stellar either (seems average). Big thing to consider though are experience and quality of the program (duh). A BSME from your local community she-bang or ME Tech degree isn’t going to pull the same range as a top BSME program w/ a strong work history.

O ed leclair that guy is hilarious, good guy, talks really fast

I love the reality check that people get when they graduate…


My advice is don’t buy that 335 until the paycheck is cashed…

Sounds good to me for a BS. It depends on the company. A lot of places in upstate NY are starting low 40’s. My brother started at a consulting firm for around 37 but he got straight time OT too. I would have taken the 48 with a BS. Hell I would have taken 38 at the time (job market sucked in 03).

talk to bladez, he works at cameron as a credit analyst… im sure he can more info for u on this

oroc is an engineer, he works at moog and makes close to XXX, he’ll be there almost a year now

Graduating from buff state in may with a BSME. Also have an assoc. in auto. tech, work at a machine shop now, worked as an intern-technician too. Buffalo state switched from a Bachelors of technology to a BSME. I switched in a heart beat. Better piece of paper IMO.

well if u get a design engineer position at cameron the OT will be very generous

Edward S. Czechowski is the guy. Supervisor - New Product Development Engineering

:whip:posting other peoples salaries? its tacky enough to post your own :gay2:

What do you make long term with a job like this?

You should do well it sounds. The machine shop experience will outweigh your GPA if you can interview well.

Actually, we are looking to hire another designer… if you are interested, PM me and I can get you a job description. Job would be in Atlanta.