Another one killed

Something about a turn was mention in the OP

We all know that a crotch rocket is harder to learn on than a different type of motorcycle. It takes more seat time to become a truly “experienced” rider. That is why a crotch rocket is a terrible starter bike. But once you become “experienced” then its just like any other motorcycle. The twitchyness vanishes. (its like learning to drive on a manual transmission, at first its very hard but eventually it becomes so second nature that you don’t even notice anymore).

So all I’m saying is that in experienced hands, a crotch rocket is just as good a street bike as any other bike.

It is still a bad starter bike!! And many of these accidents are caused by kids getting into situations that they don’t have the necessary experience to handle (and they get into these situations because they’re young thrill seekers who don’t think about safety)