Has anyone ever had Goya Malta??

+1. USed to have that all the time growing up :tspry:

CRIX? :wiggle:

YES! Except she had the motherload of them. She had a whole tin. A huge tin. They were quite good with the free samples of tea at Wegmans on Alberta.

i don’t like it.

I think it is gross.

I want my $.50 back.

Ok so after all this talk, I decided to buy a bottle of this stuff last night.

I am drinking it now…very weird…but I like it I think. It does kind of have the taste of malt balls at the end, but at first its kind of beer-like. And its sweet but not too sweet. I am very intrigued though.

same as you this sparked my curiosity as well and I went to tops to get a bottle for like 40cents, Its chillin in the fridge now if it does taste anything like malt balls or beer i might have to pull an estorvito an buy it by the case

I think I would do well to have it in smaller amounts. I bought a 12 ounce bottle and I was feeling a little ill by towards the end. Maybe the mini bottles are more my speed.

lightweights :slight_smile:

my homeboy Ignacio Rodriguez drinks that shit all the time, its a Puerto Rican thing i suspect.

heres a pic of him and his friends in their white tees. I use to work wit little man Iggy, one of the coolest kids ive ever worked with.

Fucking Puerto Ricans…They all look alike…lol

shit wasnt that bad, not great but definately not bad a few more an i think ill acquire the taste for it

am i the only one that actually threw up trying this?

Where is BluBalls to back me up on this

Malta is anti birth control… it counter acts contraceptive

Damn, you beat me to it.

I seen it!

the puertorican guys at my work all drink it. I bought a bottle last week to give some other ppl a taste of it. Its not bad. I’m a regular with the Goya vienna sausages. Most people hate em but I <3 them.

lmao… Vienna sausages are the shit.

no dude. everybody in this post is fucked. I cannot wait to show this bullshit to like 10 of my closest friends. In high school we went around telling each other how good it was and watched person after person puke. We got so many kids sick with this shit at kingpin skatepark it is unbelievable.

the shit tastes like soggy raisin bran.

I like it. Im drinking one right now. :gotme:

the shit tastes like soggy raisin bran.

And what does soggy raisin bran taste like? I also happen to like soggy cereal.:hay:


I just had a big bottle tonight with some pasta and salad. Hit the spot!

all these stores will suddenly have a run on goya from guys in their 20’s roughly lol…

i thought it was grose… i dumped it out…