

You suck.

you want some cheese…

Dr. Frank Konstantne (spelled wrong i bet, i am too drunk to know) They make decent wines. Salmon Run is one of the brands.

What about it…

lol he didn’t ask a question, he said discuss. I bet that means share your knowledge. Just a guess however; he may think that bully hill is great wine.

I think after last night I can say that I will never drink apple wine.



not meant to be mixed with jack daniels or labatt blue.

^dummy. lol. way to not show up to drews. lol.

there was another party???



…is totally a matter of personal taste. You have to drink what tastes good to you.

I love dry red cabernets from northern italy. I was in Curacao and this one resturant had this particular bottle of wine. IDK what it was called but i was told it was from the friuli region italy.

Hopefully I can find it again cause it was fucking yummy!

then they started giving us grapa on the house… and it went alllllll down hill from there

I personally like the sweet dessert wines. I went to one in the thousand islands (thousand islands winery) and they had a nice selection. I reccomend their seawayblues or delaware, niagara wines. Those were quite good IMO. Their shit is sold out here at walnut street liquors in lockport and at the liquor outlet place on george urban.


Everyone has different tastes, the key is to go out and try a lot of different stuff to figure out what you like.

If you like dessert wines, check out the stuff that Casa Larga in Fairport makes.

Me no likey.

I enjoy making prison wine in my bathroom with rotten fruit and sugar patch kids.

I love wine , thats about all I drink if a place does not have Guinness…

such a happy drunk on wine