Have you ever played Welt Pong?

Standard Ping Pong with extra rules:

score all 5 points of a service - welt
ace a serve - welt
win a game - welt

A welt being, you pull your shirt up, cover your face with your paddle and the other person hits a pong ball at you as hard as they can. Yes, you can bruise, welt, or bleed playing this.

never played…sounds like a blast

Yes…and it was in my favor tonight…

91MR2 :zong: MPD47


rofl. im very interested to play now.

how many pong balls get split playing this? lol

haha nice.

How close do you get to serve the welt from?

Full length of the table, where else would you serve it from?

I feel like i’d cover my crotch before my face

jeller, his little brother (little being a relative term), and myself got pretty good at pong a few years ago. we ended up with quite a few welts… but never on purpose…i kinda like the idea lol

used to play this all the time back in the dorm days of college. the only difference with our version is that the loser after every point would get a “welt” alot more welts:tup:

Never played that, but I play bloody knuckle air hockey. :wink: