have you ever wanted a set of ccw classics but not multipiece...

I still don’t get why this is a bad thing, but you’re obviously just trying to be a dick.

I’m the childish one? :lol

Oh wow, that was impressive.


not really. I still love you, even if you’re wrong.

Lol. Idgaf about these wheels or this debate. Just trollin the shit out this thread son


I know, but so am I.


Fuckin’ A, I love doing this. You guys are really pissed at me because I am like Brett, but less of a dick. We both have similar (overactive) brains with higher than average capacity and are often called google warriors, etc. It’s a hyperfocus and a strong long term memory… gift and a curse that the same time.

neg repz. :ohnoes

is this thread still talking about Replica RIMz or did it get taken off topic yet?

were talking about fly cut pistons you ape


awwwe damn it, well i wouldnt know anything about that seeing as i dont have them!


I gotz y0 fix SON.


You’re supposed to say, “yeah, I like fisk sticks.”

Then I go, “you’re a gay fish.”

I’d probably put these on the bmw…

Ssr professor or work meister… which came first?

Reps are junk bros.

Rotas seemed to have done rather well for themselves.

To Boostcreep saying that these are killing “legit” brands. Are you for SRS? thats the same argument as saying the CCW’s are killing the $2000 a wheel brand whatever it may be. And you can’t see why people cheap out and buy “inferior” wheels but you have no problem buying inferior other automotive parts? It’s the same logic. To SAVE $$$.

Here is how a persons brain works when they chose between two products.

Do both work for most applications? Check

Do both look the part? Check

Do both perform the same function? Check

If one is more expensive can I justify the price difference by vast improved differences in the product? *open check box.


Did you not read my other post? I was being sarcastic brotato. That’s my point with the work and ssr wheels. Both legit companies, obvious copy.

It’s no different than someone that knows Supras hating on your engine setup (stock cams killing the performance). Point being, as long as it makes you happy, who cares. People hate that I only roll race my AWD car, and I literally could not care any less.


500 WHP Civic + Rotas =



