have you ever..............

yea dude I’m staying away from those now LOL


Yea… I’ve taken a few hits for the team… Unfortunately I had no team mates, so it was pretty much me banging a chubby. And I’ve never been drunk when any of this happened.

I find this hard to believe…

What part’s hard to believe? I’m admitting I banged some big girls before. I see no reason anyone would lie about that.

You banging a chubby chick

But he’s a big guy so isnt that ok?

it would be different if it was a 150lb guy, and a 270lb girl.


its never ok.


When people sex fat or ugly bitches that makes them think its ok to be fat or ugly. If they never got sexed they would either try not to be fat and ugly or kill themselves. In either situation I and other good looking people would benefit

+1 rep as soon as i can give you some

haha i gave him rep :clap

hes like my long lost twin… same views on shit lmao

he;s all our long lost bro. ive heard this from 5 different people now, and its making me wonder who his real long lost brother was.

so whats your opinion on a 350 pound slob guy fucking a hot girl?

being a former 348lb guy, it’s the same shit…even if the hot girl isn’t about the looks, it’s still beneficial in the end to fatty boom boom to get his fat ass in shape for health purposes not just sexual…plus sex is more enjoyable when you aren’t huge…well, as long as you’re big wherebit counts LOL :wink:

well his mom is a dirty whore…

Are we talking about my mom?

Cause my mom is really a dirty whore. SRS

dont we all know it


ASk for Tierany. A pack of cigs for a blow a blow just don’t mention my name. VRY SRS