HD-DVD going the way of Betamax...


Toshiba is expected to pull the plug on its HD DVD format in the coming weeks, after a rash of retail defections that followed Warner Home Video’s stunning announcement in early January that it would support only Sony’s rival Blu-ray Disc format after May.

I guess it’s not really surprising why Blu-Ray is winning out.

sony wins again, the world keeps going round

at least the blue ray price will come down a bit.

Betamax was Sony’s product. It lost…

Toshiba dropping HD DVD?
15 February 2008 7:33 by Matti “Siggy” Vähäkainu | 7 comments

Media and analysts have speculated the future of HD DVD frequently since Warner turned Blu. During the last couple of weeks the emphasis of speculations has been on when HD DVD will lose, rather than will it lose the war. The most recent turn-ups were when Netflix and Best Buy announced support for Blu-ray, and Toshiba’s reply to those was considered by some to be the last breath.

According to Hollywood Reporter, “reliable industry sources” claim that Toshiba will be abandoning its high-definition format. Officially there is no decision yet, “Based on its technological advancements, we continue to believe HD DVD is the best format for consumers, given the value and consistent quality inherent in our player offerings,” said the vice president of marketing for Toshiba America Consumer Products, Jodi Sally.

However, the future of HD DVD doesn’t seem that solid even coming from Sally, “Toshiba will continue to study the market impact and the value proposition for consumers, particularly in light of our recent price reductions on all HD DVD players.”

Has Toshiba run out of aces? After the Warner news, Toshiba has used millions and millions into ads, one of which was the $2,7 million, 30-second Superbowl spot, marketed the HD DVD players as a better DVD player rather than the next-gen system, and cutting prices of HD DVD players down far from profitable.

Let’s not put the last nail in the coffin just yet though. As Toshiba has been accustomed to say, the high-definition disc sales compared to DVD sales is just a drop in the ocean

Can we please get GD Transformers on Blu-ray now?

+1 WTF

You could see it coming a mile away.

yea i have been wanting to watch that in HD forever

HD-DVR + HD PPV > blu ray disc

dont have either.

hahaha its sony, the king of overpriced crap, dont bet on it.

It’ll prolly go UP now. :roll2:

Call me when burners and media get reliable and affordable.

Although 50GB movie files are going to suck for all but the best of internet connections

^ ya the cheapest blu-ray burner is like $200 and I am not sure how much the media costs. Realistically the movie will only be 25 GBs or less(single layer), even still everyone would still need fios


cant DL HD or BD from netflix to watch on a tv, only pc i believe Im not even sure they have BD ondemand, i just thought it was regular dvds.

peace out HD-DVD
