The Continuing War Between Blu-Ray & HD-DVD

I had my money on Blu-Ray in the first place unlike the rest of the bandwagon which kept referencing it to the old “beta-tapes”
Lets see how this continues to roll out

A lot of people figured since Sony was so strong behind this that it really wouldn’t take off all like that, but if your remember…the 3.5 floppy was a sony format and look how long those stayed around

The majority of the porn industry has chosen Blu-ray format.

The porn industry chose VHS back then.

cool, I thought Blu-Ray was going to win the whole time.

The PS3 really pushed it forward, (cheaper and easier to get a PS3 with bluray player included then getting an xbox then having to buy a player)

Im wondering when they’ll finally say the war is over and they’ll be useing one of the 2 formats…

Warner Brothers announced just the other day they are going to STOP producing HD DVD’s and going to Blu-Ray exclusively.

I personally dont own a blu-ray … I did watch part of a movie in Sam’s Club the other day of a blu-ray playing on a Sony Bravia … That picture looked amazing … I dont know if it was the blu-ray, the tv, or a combination of both … I always thought that blu-ray was superior to hd-dvd tho … I could be wrong …

I was really pushing for HD-DVD just because that’s what I have with my Xbox. I don’t really want to go shell out $250+ for a different format. Now that Warner has made a choice, it seems others are starting to follow.

Bye bye HD-DVD :sadwavey:

For how stupid this may sound.

Blu-Ray is to clear and realistic, which for me personally, for movies I dont like. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean : Part WGAF, at best buy on HD w/ blu ray, the thing looked like it was taped with a sony handy cam. The cgi sticks out like a sore thumb compared to most scenes and I just dont like it for movies IMO. For games etc thats a different story.

The porn industry chose Blu-ray but I think they were turned down. They’re backing HD-DVD now.

The cgi sticks out like a sore thumb compared to most scenes and I just dont like it for movies IMO.

That’s the only thing I haven’t gotten used to with the HD formats. Mostly all CG special effects now look like they’re CG. On regular DVD, it was hard to notice. I thought Transformers looked amazing, though. Maybe now the studios will have step it up again since they’ll be releasing their movies in HD.

I have a PS3 and an xBox 360 hooked through HDMI to a 1080p set. I like HD DVD better. I rarely even turn on the PS3 anymore.

I don’t see how Blu ray is even worth it, at all.
Ok, so it has more storage capacity, and can transfer data a bit faster.
Who gives a shit?
My movies aren’t lagging, and both of them have the exact same resolution to them…
Blu-ray is being backed because it costs more and can make companies more money, maybe?
It’s not worth the money, until I absolutely have to, or blu-ray costs the same as HD-DVD’s I won’t buy them.

1920 x 1080 resolution on both, from what I read atleast. Same formats on both of them, and same wavelength…maybe I’m wrong though?

Even after Warner’s pull from HD-DVD, Toshiba still backs the brand. Their PR lady was quoted as saying “We’ve been called dead before.”.

HD-DVD ftw.

thing is, I dont see things coming out for HD DVD.
Like Burners, Blank Media, etc etc

I wouldnt mind both formats being around. but I still think blu ray is going to win. everyone talks about blu ray. I rarely hear about HD DVD

Do you know how big warner actually is? they have more than one branch and tons more pull than toe-shi-bah

I do know. I’m just saying HD-DVD isn’t dead.

I honestly could care less. I think the fact that people even actually argue about this is as retarded as arguing who has the better game console.

The retarded part is that they are both the same quality picture, one that TV’s can’t even handle yet to my knowledge, so who cares at all?

Upscale DVD’s save a bunch of money.

1080p (1920x1080 res) I beleive.
theres plenty of TV’s that support that

Wasn’t sure what it came out to…
Anyhow, neither of them go any higher then that was my main point with that haha

ya 1080p is the best res you can get. theres no way either can go higher and no need to

regular dvd’s look fine to me… if i want realistic i’ll walk outside. fuck the cost of that other shit.

Here is the thing, that move right there is a waste of money, its obvious blu-ray isn’t going anywhere, skip one move and go right to the next, save money and have a format that won’t have to be obsoleted as quickly. Blu-Ray has more capacity and in this day in age where everyone is more concerned about data whether it be the consumer or the manufacturer it’s well worth it. HD-DVD isn’t dead…yea…not yet