I had my money on Blu-Ray in the first place unlike the rest of the bandwagon which kept referencing it to the old “beta-tapes”
Lets see how this continues to roll out
A lot of people figured since Sony was so strong behind this that it really wouldn’t take off all like that, but if your remember…the 3.5 floppy was a sony format and look how long those stayed around
I personally dont own a blu-ray … I did watch part of a movie in Sam’s Club the other day of a blu-ray playing on a Sony Bravia … That picture looked amazing … I dont know if it was the blu-ray, the tv, or a combination of both … I always thought that blu-ray was superior to hd-dvd tho … I could be wrong …
I was really pushing for HD-DVD just because that’s what I have with my Xbox. I don’t really want to go shell out $250+ for a different format. Now that Warner has made a choice, it seems others are starting to follow.
Blu-Ray is to clear and realistic, which for me personally, for movies I dont like. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean : Part WGAF, at best buy on HD w/ blu ray, the thing looked like it was taped with a sony handy cam. The cgi sticks out like a sore thumb compared to most scenes and I just dont like it for movies IMO. For games etc thats a different story.
The porn industry chose Blu-ray but I think they were turned down. They’re backing HD-DVD now.
The cgi sticks out like a sore thumb compared to most scenes and I just dont like it for movies IMO.
That’s the only thing I haven’t gotten used to with the HD formats. Mostly all CG special effects now look like they’re CG. On regular DVD, it was hard to notice. I thought Transformers looked amazing, though. Maybe now the studios will have step it up again since they’ll be releasing their movies in HD.
I don’t see how Blu ray is even worth it, at all.
Ok, so it has more storage capacity, and can transfer data a bit faster.
Who gives a shit?
My movies aren’t lagging, and both of them have the exact same resolution to them…
Blu-ray is being backed because it costs more and can make companies more money, maybe?
It’s not worth the money, until I absolutely have to, or blu-ray costs the same as HD-DVD’s I won’t buy them.
1920 x 1080 resolution on both, from what I read atleast. Same formats on both of them, and same wavelength…maybe I’m wrong though?
Here is the thing, that move right there is a waste of money, its obvious blu-ray isn’t going anywhere, skip one move and go right to the next, save money and have a format that won’t have to be obsoleted as quickly. Blu-Ray has more capacity and in this day in age where everyone is more concerned about data whether it be the consumer or the manufacturer it’s well worth it. HD-DVD isn’t dead…yea…not yet