he accidentally his whole head! (and now he is dead)



ahhaha it dnt make scence but its still funny as hell

that will happen…

really, a condom over you own head. well one less dumb ass off the face of the planet.






its too bad because you usually have relatively interesting things to say

when I made this thread I self rated it at a 4/10. after you posted I think we have a 6.5/10.

thanks, and man this day is going slow.

it dnt make CENTS!


it dnt make SCIENCE


It dnt make SCENTS


lol the funniest thing in this thread is the word “sense” misspelled!

sense /sɛns/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sens] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, sensed, sens⋅ing.
–noun 1. any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.
2. these faculties collectively.
3. their operation or function; sensation.
4. a feeling or perception produced through the organs of touch, taste, etc., or resulting from a particular condition of some part of the body: to have a sense of cold.
5. a faculty or function of the mind analogous to sensation: the moral sense.
6. any special capacity for perception, estimation, appreciation, etc.: a sense of humor.
7. Usually, senses. clear and sound mental faculties; sanity: Have you taken leave of your senses?
8. a more or less vague perception or impression: a sense of security.
9. a mental discernment, realization, or recognition; acuteness: a just sense of the worth of a thing.
10. the recognition of something as incumbent or fitting: a sense of duty.
11. sound practical intelligence: He has no sense.
12. something that is sensible or reasonable: to talk sense.
13. the meaning or gist of something: You missed the sense of his statement.
14. the value or worth of something; merit: There’s no sense in worrying about the past.
15. the meaning of a word or phrase in a specific context, esp. as isolated in a dictionary or glossary; the semantic element in a word or group of words.
16. an opinion or judgment formed or held, esp. by an assemblage or body of persons: the sense of a meeting.
17. Genetics. a DNA sequence that is capable of coding for an amino acid (distinguished from nonsense ).
18. Mathematics. one of two opposite directions in which a vector may point.
–verb (used with object) 19. to perceive (something) by the senses; become aware of.
20. to grasp the meaning of; understand.
21. (of certain mechanical devices) to detect physical phenomena, as light, temperature, radioactivity, etc., mechanically, electrically, or photoelectrically.
22. Computers. to read (punched holes, tape, data, etc.) mechanically, electrically, or photoelectrically.
—Idioms23. come to one’s senses, to regain one’s good judgment or realistic point of view; become reasonable.
24. in a sense, according to one explanation or view; to a certain extent: In a sense it may have been the only possible solution.
25. make sense, to be reasonable or comprehensible: His attitude doesn’t make sense.

Darwin! :highfive: One less contributor to the heat death of the planet! :headbang:

I wonder if he did it under a sconce?


:picard: You people really can’t have nice things.

Maybe he wanted to keep his brain from leaking?


It dint make silence