For ever smelling person at your place of business. what a picture!

So i figured id put this up because I thought it was very funny when i came across it. plus Im thinking of hanging it in the bathroom at work due to some smelling people here.

what are your thoughts?

haha wow

so, does grammar used by starter thread make the bloody of the eyes of anyone else but me?


It’s : picard :


My mommy sad i can say facepalm instead if i want to.

Well far be it for me to argue with your mommy. She swings a mean wooden spoon. :ohnoes:

Smelling people.


Smart man :bigblap:

Ya herd!

Haha, do it Kev!

You knew I think of the same thing.

if this is the guy im thinking of here at work, he is always mad when he talks on the phone to people, but it’s funny to watch him in action.
He’s a nice guy though, just hates dealing with idiots on phone.

Is english your second language or something or do you need to go back to kindergarten?

HAHA, that’s got to be Kev.

Does turning boxers inside out count as “Changing your undies at least twice a week”

Sure. That way you can wear em all 4 ways and get 2 weeks out of them. :tup:

Where does he work?
Note to self: Do NOT call here!

has to be me!

i hate this fucking place. oh and i love the corecomm spam catcher too. who the fuck changes something with there business and doesn’t inform any of its customers? then makes there employees take all the shit for there mistake.

and as for the spelling. i dont re-read my typing nor do i care to. if I was to read it, yeah i no theres a lot of mistakes, but really i couldn’t care any less how it turned out. im at work, on the phone all day, getting stressed out because people cant find the start button in the bottom left hand corner of there screen. lol pretty sad. this shits just to pass time along.

can we please ban the OP?

Shit like this makes me wonder how localnet stays in bidness.